To profile with hyperfine - brew install hyperfine
hyperfine --warmup 3 -r 10 '2022/'
find 2022 -type f -regex ".*/[0-9]*\.py" -exec hyperfine --warmup 3 -r 10 'python {}' \;
python -m cProfile 2022/
time python 2022/
2022.mdhyperfine --warmup 3 -r 10 'find 2022 -type f -regex ".*/[0-9]*\.py" | sort -n | xargs -L 1 python ' | tee 2022/benchmark-m1.txt
bin/ --dir 2022 --write
Day | Name | Solution | CI Benchmark |
01 | Calorie Counting | py | |
02 | Rock Paper Scissors | py | |
03 | Rucksack Reorganization | py | |
04 | Camp Cleanup | py | |
05 | Supply Stacks | py | |
06 | Tuning Trouble | py | |
07 | No Space Left On Device | py | |
08 | Treetop Tree House | py | |
09 | Rope Bridge | py | |
--- | ------ | --------- | --- |
all | AoC 22 | txt |
- or ** - external solution adopted