React Native Ready Comps is a library where you can find ready-to-use and customizable components, like buttons, textboxes, sliding panels, or forms, for react native. This lib is MIT licensed.
> npm i // install dependencies
> npx react-native run-android // launch using android emulator
> npx react-native start // launch the development server
Press r
to reload the application (but it should be automatically reloaded when you save a modification), and d
to open the development menu on the smartphone.
First, you MUST wrap your application in a GestureHandlerRootView
from react-native-gesture-handler
if you want to use the SlidingPanel
and everything gesture handling related.
const App = () => {
return (
{/* your app */}
The MIT License is an open-source license that allow anyone to use, modify and distribute this software with the condition that you must add a link to the creator's github repository in your application.
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