This project aims to give support to a client to load balance connections between multiple sql instances.
- Do automatic split of Read and Write traffic
Install with go mod modules
go get
# Also import the driver you are using like for example
go get
package main
import (
_ ""
func main() {
balancer, err := NewBalancer(&Config{
StrategyType: RoundRobin,
Nodes: []*Node{
address: "root:Mastermaster123@tcp(docker.for.mac.localhost:3306)/mysql",
name: "master",
address: "root:slaveslave123@tcp(docker.for.mac.localhost:3307)/mysql",
name: "slave",
address: "root:slaveslave123@tcp(docker.for.mac.localhost:3308)/mysql",
name: "slave-2",
Connection: Connection{
MaxOpenConnections: 50,
MaxIdleConns: 5,
ConnMaxLifetime: time.Hour,
Driver: "mysql",
if err != nil {
defer balancer.Close()
ctx := context.Background()
_, err = balancer.ExecContext(ctx, "SHOW PROCESSLIST;")
if err != nil {
package main
import (
_ ""
func main() {
writerConnection, writerConnectionErr := NewBalancer(&Config{
StrategyType: RoundRobin,
Nodes: []*Node{
address: "root:Mastermaster123@tcp(docker.for.mac.localhost:3306)/mysql",
name: "master",
Connection: Connection{
MaxOpenConnections: 50,
MaxIdleConns: 5,
ConnMaxLifetime: time.Hour,
Driver: "mysql",
if writerConnectionErr != nil {
defer writerConnection.Close()
readerConnection, readerConnectionErr := NewBalancer(&Config{
StrategyType: RoundRobin,
Nodes: []*Node{
address: "root:slaveslave123@tcp(docker.for.mac.localhost:3307)/mysql",
name: "slave",
address: "root:slaveslave123@tcp(docker.for.mac.localhost:3308)/mysql",
name: "slave-2",
Connection: Connection{
MaxOpenConnections: 50,
MaxIdleConns: 5,
ConnMaxLifetime: time.Hour,
Driver: "mysql",
if readerConnectionErr != nil {
defer readerConnection.Close()
ctx := context.Background()
writerConnection.ExecContext(ctx, "SHOW PROCESSLIST;")
readerConnection.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT * FROM db;")
This project is used in production by the following companies: