Dive deeper into the seller's side with Roadside shops! With newspaper sponsor system.
Modrinth Page: https://modrinth.com/plugin/roadside-shops/
Spigot Page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/107148/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/KRS7dSU6tR
Download in one zip everything you need to test RoadsideShops going in one click!
The zip will contain:
- Vault v1.7.3
- SimpleEconomy v1.0.2
- RoadsideShops v1.1.13
Click here for the download!
Note! SimpleEconomy was released in order to be able to test RoadsideShops quickly. It is recommended to use another economy plugin of your choice that is compatible with Vault.
This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later.
RoadsideShops has been made by EscanorTargaryen.
The pluign uses the following libraries:
- CommandAPI (released under MIT license) to add commands to the plugin
- AnvilGUI (released under MIT license) to set the price of the items
- Vault (released under LGPL license) to transfer money in the game