This is a self-project aiming to build a quantitative trading system by taking other open source trading systems in github as reference.
The aim of the project is to learn the basic structure of a quantitative trading system and get hands-on experience on building the system.
Also, in terms of Computer Science, the project aims to serve as learning material such as threading, memory sharing and message queue.
The project is initiated by:
Mok Ka Chun, Eric from HKUST Technology and Management Dual Degree Program- Beng COMP BBA Finance
This trading_system plans to use the interface from FUTU to implement the trade operations, quotings and data.
This is a thread-safe light-weight log lib.
This is a successor of nanomsg. It is a lightweight, broker-less library,offering a simple API to solve common recurring messaging problems. This library is used to achieve the in-system communication as an aid of sharing memory approach.
Contains APIs from Brokerage platforms
Futu : 富途牛牛
Definition of all common helper functions
Log functions used in the system
Interfaces of the system, all classes should inherit from the interface
Data strucutre used in the system
Encapuslation of brokerage apis to accomodate the system
The system plan to have an C-S desgin, where the client is written in Python, server written in C++
The hierarchy of the system is described as below
Trade system engine <- Managers/Components <- individual processes for strategy / data /trader etc
The communication within the server is done by memory sharing(kungfu) and message(nanomsg)
C++ engine
- Implementation of Position
- Create BasicDataSlice to replace the base class of slice objects to reduce type checking
- Encapsulate RapidJson to replace ARG
- Integrate everything into one StartEngine
Typescript UI
- Setting up template objects needed => may not use the JPM module?
Typescript Server
- Implementation of better Messenger to receive data from C++ engine and send data to typescript UI