This repository storages files to configure spark on kubernetes cluster.
I'm going to show the steps for configure spark on k8s. Each cloud provider has own kubernetes engine, choice a cloud provider to use a kubernetes engine. In this project, i used the Oracle Kubernetes Engine, it's a resource on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. You can create your cluster Kubernetes on OCI following the steps here .
1 - You have a Kubernetes cluster installed and running.
2 - You need to have the kubectl command line tool installed in your machine.
3 - Integrate the kubectl with kubernetes cluster.
4 - Create a storage resource.
Create a storage class that references the mount target ID from file system that you created. Consult the file storageclass.yaml
$ kubectl create -f storageclass.yaml
Generate a storage pluging.
$ kubectl create -f pv.yaml
Create a object for request from storage resource to nodes.
$ kubectl create -f pvc.yaml
$ kubectl create -f namespace-spark-cluster.yaml
Create a new context to configure kubectl to work with our namespace.
$ CURRENT_CONTEXT=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.current-context}')
$ USER_NAME=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.contexts[?( == "'"${CURRENT_CONTEXT}"'")].context.user}')
$ CLUSTER_NAME=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.contexts[?( == "'"${CURRENT_CONTEXT}"'")].context.cluster}')
$ kubectl config set-context spark --namespace=spark-cluster --cluster=${CLUSTER_NAME} --user=${USER_NAME}
$ kubectl config use-context spark
This service is for Spark cluster.
$ kubectl create -f spark-master-controller.yaml
Create a logical service endpoint that Spark workers can use to access the master pod.
$ kubectl create -f spark-master-service.yaml
Deploy the proxy controller.
$ kubectl create -f spark-ui-proxy-controller.yaml
Create a Loadbalanced service for Spark Proxy.
$ kubectl create -f spark-ui-proxy-service.yaml
After creating the service, you should get a loadbalanced endpoint.
$ kubectl get svc spark-ui-proxy -o wide
Create a replication controller that manages the worker pods.
$ kubectl create -f spark-worker-controller.yaml
Check to see if the workers are running.
$ kubectl get pods
Now, your cluster is configured.