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Raylib Box2D Tutorial

This tutorial combines Zig, Raylib and Box2D together to show some cool stuff.

Long story short, Raylib is capable of drawing 2D/3D graphics/UIs for any purpose, and Box2D is capable of simulating real-world physics.

This project uses zig 0.12.0-dev.1834+f36ac227b, if you use zig 0.11, all xxx_build.zig and build.zig might not work.

How to build and run all demos

Pull the submodule if you haven’t yet, only do this once

This repo depends on box2c and raylib repos and has separate build step to compile them from source.

git submodule update --init --depth=1
# Submodule 'box2c' ( registered for path 'box2c'
# Submodule 'raylib' ( registered for path 'raylib'
# Cloning into '/home/wison/zig/raylib-box2d-tutorials/box2c'...
# Cloning into '/home/wison/zig/raylib-box2d-tutorials/raylib'...
# remote: Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
# remote: Enumerating objects: 27, done.
# remote: Counting objects: 100% (27/27), done.
# remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done.
# remote: Total 14 (delta 11), reused 2 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
# Unpacking objects: 100% (14/14), 1.88 KiB | 481.00 KiB/s, done.
# From
#  * branch            519ded32531e1574caba32700481f4b5294dc383 -> FETCH_HEAD
# Submodule path 'box2c': checked out '519ded32531e1574caba32700481f4b5294dc383'
# Submodule path 'raylib': checked out '99f22a47ff09ae3bef4ee16c1910953efc46832b'

Enable release build for raylib

Open raylib/src/build.zig and add .preferred_optimize_mode support like below:

const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{
    // .preferred_optimize_mode = .ReleaseFast,
    .preferred_optimize_mode = .ReleaseSmall,

After that, zig build -Drelease=true works, that’s what raylib_build.zig does!!!

List all supported demo run steps

zig build --help | grep "run-" 

# run-dynamic-box                     Run the dynamic-box demo
# run-centre-with-player-position     Run the centre-with-player-position demo
# run-move-and-zoom-by-mouse          Run the move-and-zoom-by-mouse demo
# run-first-person-view               Run the first-person-view demo
# run-how-to-draw-images-and-textures Run the how-to-draw-images-and-textures demo
# run-how-to-play-audio               Run the how-to-play-audio demo
# run-how-to-deal-with-fonts          Run the how-to-deal-with-fonts demo
# run-temp-test                       Run the temp-test demo

Run the particular demo

For example:

zig build run-dynamic-box

All demo run steps don’t create binary files into zig-out/bin folder, if you want to produce binary files, please run zig build or zig build -Drelease=true.

Produce release demo binary files

# Optional, remove cache and existing files
rm -rf zig-cache zig-out

# Create release build
zig build -Drelease=true

# List release binaries
ls -lht zig-out/{lib,bin}
# zig-out/bin:
# total 13M
# -rwxr-xr-x 1 7.0M Dec 25 16:49 click-to-generate-dynamic-boxes*
# -rwxr-xr-x 1 6.0M Dec 25 16:49 temp-test*
# zig-out/lib:
# total 14M
# -rw-r--r-- 1 14M Dec 25 16:49 libbox2c.a
  • raylib_build.zig runs cd raybuild && zig build command behind the scenes to create a static library and a few header files:
    ls -lht raylib/zig-out/{lib, include}
    # raylib/zig-out/lib:
    # total 12M
    # -rw-r--r-- 1 wison wison 12M Dec 25 16:25 libraylib.a
    # raylib/zig-out/include:
    # total 416K
    # -rw-r--r-- 1 wison wison 226K Dec 25 15:30 rlgl.h
    # -rw-r--r-- 1 wison wison 123K Dec 25 15:30 raylib.h
    # -rw-r--r-- 1 wison wison  62K Dec 25 15:30 raymath.h
  • box2c_buidl.zig creates a static library: zig-out/lib/libbox2c.a, and it depends on raylib build.
  • demo_build.zig create all demo run steps, each demo binary links to raylib/zig-out/lib/libraylib.a and zig-out/lib/libbox2c.a statically.

Raylib tutorials

Raylib API cheatsheet is here.

Box2D tutorials

Core concepts


Represent a physics world, it’s a collection of bodies, fixtures, and constraints that interact together.

Box2D supports the creation of multiple worlds (each of them has different World Id).

(Rigid) Body

Simulate a physical object in the real world, its physical attribute affects every simulation step calculation in the world

Each body has a type:

  • static (default): zero mass, zero velocity, may be manually moved
  • kinematic: zero mass, non-zero velocity set by user, moved by solver
  • dynamic: positive mass, non-zero velocity determined by forces, moved by solver

The body itself doesn’t have geometry attributes (how it looks), that’s why usually a body will have a Shape attached to it to represent the geometry attributes.


It represents the geometry attributes of a given Body, it determines how the Body looks like:

  • Polygon Shape - Including Box/Rectangle/Square (4 vertices polygon)
  • Circle Shape
  • Capsule Shape
  • Chain Shape - used as surface

Also, it has the following physical attributes, e.g:

  • friction (default value 0.6)
  • restitution (default is 0.0): affect the bouncing behaviour
  • density (default is 0.0): affect the mass

How to create a rigid body in the Box2D world

Here are the steps about how to create a rigid body in the Box2D world:

  1. Create b2BodyDef instance with the following attributes:
    • init position
    • type
      • static (default): zero mass, zero velocity, may be manually moved
      • kinematic: zero mass, non-zero velocity set by user, moved by solver
      • dynamic: positive mass, non-zero velocity determined by forces, moved by solver
  2. Create a body instance (b2BodyId) by the given b2BodyDef, body instance is heap-allocated and it has no geometry (no shape), it represents the physical attributes:
    • position
    • velocity
    • acceleration
    • force
    • torque
    • mass
    • etc.
  3. Create Shape (heap-allocated) and attach it to the Body, it determines how the Body looks like:
    • b2MakeBox/b2MakeRoundedBox -> Polygon Shape - Including Box/Rectangle/Square (4 vertices polygon)
    • b2Circle -> Circle Shape
    • b2MakeCapsule -> Capsule Shape
    • Chain Shape - used as surface

    You need to create b2ShapeDef to describe the other physical attributes, e.g:

    • friction (default value 0.6)
    • restitution (default is 0.0): affect the bouncing behaviour
    • density (default is 0.0): affect the mass

Box2D measures units and coordinates


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