Seminar project for RS II college subject.
- Open a terminal inside the solution folder.
- Run the following commands:
- set STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=YourSecretKey
- docker-compose up -d --build
- Username: desktop
- Password: test
Run the following commands:
- flutter clean
- flutter pub get
- flutter run
- Choose option number 1 (windows) when prompted.
- Username: mobile
- Password: test
Run the following commands:
- flutter clean
- flutter pub get
- flutter run
- If you want to use your own Stripe keys, use the following commands:
Mobile app
flutter run --dart-define=STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=YourPublishableKey
docker-compose up -d --build
- Test card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Emails are sometimes received in the spam folder of the gmail account.