Welcome to Food Zero, a modern and responsive website for a restaurant. Food Zero is designed to provide an engaging, user-friendly experience for customers looking to explore the restaurant’s offerings and make reservations.
- Responsive Design: Ensures optimal viewing across devices, from desktops to smartphones.
- Navigation Menu: Easily accessible sections, including Home, Menu, Blogs, About, and Contact.
- Reservation Button: Allows users to quickly access the reservation page.
- Contact Information: Displays the restaurant’s contact details for easy access.
- Social Media Integration: Links to social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and MessageCircle.
- Background Image on Menu: Displays a unique background on the menu section.
- React: For building the UI components.
- React Router: For navigation between pages.
- Tailwind CSS: For responsive, utility-first styling.
- Lucide Icons: For modern and lightweight iconography.