Use instead
Python API for libtonlibjson (Telegram Open Network Light Client). This project is loosely based on formony ton_client
This client works with Python 3.7 only.
pyTON is been shipped with prebuilt fullnode's client library for Ubuntu Xenial & latest macOS. In case of incompatibility with your distro it's needed to build TON fullnode's / libtonlibjson.dylib depends on archtecture. Check here for fullnode's build instructions. Don't forget to copy library file to pyTON/distlib/linux/ or pyTON/distlib/darwin/libtonlibjson.dylib
pip3 install pyTON
python3 -m pyTON
- default 8000 - webserver port--getmethods
- default False - allow runGetMethod endpoint. Note, that generally it is unsafe to allow arbitrary method executions since maliciously constructed getMethod may crash liteclient.