Notive is an open-source application focused on authentication using Firebase using MVVM Pattern and a lot of new stuff in android jetpack.
- Email and Password Authentication .
- Facebook and Google Authentication .
- Password recovery
In This application i use :
- Navigation
- LiveData
- Material Design
- Cloud Firestore
- [Single Activity Architecture]
- [TabLayout]
And a lot of interesting stuff.
- Go to the Firebase Console and navigate to your project:
- Select the Auth panel and then click the Sign In Method tab.
- Click Email/Password and turn on the Enable switch, then click Save.
- Go to the Firebase Console and navigate to your project:
- Select the Auth panel and then click the Sign In Method tab.
- Click Google and turn on the Enable switch, then click Save.
- Go to the Facebook Developers Site and follow all instructions to set up a new Android app.
- Go to the Firebase Console and navigate to your project:
- Select the Auth panel and then click the Sign In Method tab.
- Click Facebook and turn on the Enable switch, then click Save.
- Enter your Facebook App Id and App Secret and click Save