This is the template for Qualia PhoneGap Apps which works for Android & iOS devices.
- Supports Android 4.0+
- Supports iPhone iOS 7+
To deploy to iOS you require an Apple Developer licence ( and a machine capable of running xCode 5.0+.
To deploy to Android you do not require a licence unless you choose to deploy to the Google Play Store ( and a machine capable of running Eclipse.
Facebook is a core part of the Qualia App as it utilises demographic information through the login and posting of social content. You will need to register as a developer and obtain an App ID from the Facebook Developers portal ( to integrate with this functionality of the App.
Qualia PhoneGap comes pre-configured to work with the PushWoosh ( Push Notifications system. It is recommended you utilise this service, but you are free to use a Push service of your choice at your own risk.
The App is built using common web technologies to make it easier to adapt and configure. The majority of settings can be configured in the www/js/index.js file, edit these settings at your own risk. Content of the Application can be modified within index.html, which contains static information for the festival as well as the structure for dynamic pages.
Provided is also an Adobe Photoshop PSD which can be modified to adapt to your festival's branding of choice. This will need to be exported for both iOS and Android, and comes configured as a 9-patch image to cater for all Android screen sizes.