3 servers (or environments) are needed to run proximity-bot, these include:
- rmxbot - the server that handles http requests and makes the materials and graphs available to the public;
- scrasync - the web scraper;
- nlp - feature extraction algorithms with some text processing.
These servers communicate using rsync, ssh and http.
Prroximity-bot requires Pyhton 3, Mongodb and Redis; python dependencies will be installed automatically.
All the components that make proximity-bot can be ran on one machine, this section describes how to do that. The easiest way to run proximity-bot, it to issue the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/dbrtk/proximity-bot.git
cd proximity-bot
. setup-proximitybot.sh
. run-with-gnome-terminal.sh
The commands above work on linux; the following software is required: git, gnome-terminal, python3. After these commands succeed and rmxbot, scrasync, nlp are all running, the interface can be accessed under:
cd /opt
[email protected]:dbrtk/rmxbot.git
[email protected]:dbrtk/nlp.git
[email protected]:dbrtk/scrasync.git
[email protected]:dbrtk/rmxbin.git
[email protected]:dbrtk/rmxbot-tpl.git
python3 -m venv --copies env
. /opt/env/bin/activate
cd rmxbot
pip install -e .
cd ..
cd nlp
pip install -e .
cd ..
cd scrasync
pip install -e .
cd ..
Create 3 django projects that will be run on different ports, i.e. localhost:8080 for rmxbot, localhost:8081 for nlp, localhost:8082 for scrasync; each of these projects will need its own celery worker (using redis). Update the settings for every django project; the django project that hosts rmxbot should have a valid path under TEMPLATES DIRS. The templates for rmxbot can be found here: https://github.com/dbrtk/rmxbot-tpl.
The configuration files in rmxbot, scrasync, nlp should be updated as well:
- rmxbot - https://github.com/dbrtk/rmxbot/blob/master/rmxbot/config/__init__.py;
- nlp - https://github.com/dbrtk/nlp/blob/master/nlp/config/__init__.py;
- scrasyns - https://github.com/dbrtk/scrasync/blob/master/scrasync/config/__init__.py.
The README file for every applicaiton lists the variables that should be customised.