An object containing the enumeration of multiple study-design keywords, to be inherited at their respective nodes. Term chosen from a list of controlled vocabulary (CV). If you cannot find your term in the CV list, please create an issue at our metadata GitHub repository proposing its addition.
Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Access Restrictions | Defined In |
Can be instantiated | No | Unknown status | Unknown identifiability | Forbidden | Allowed | none |* |
(Enumeration of design keywords)
enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:
Value | Explanation |
"RNA stability design" |
[EFO:0001783] |
"binding site identification design" |
[EFO:0004664] |
"case control design" |
[EFO:0001427] |
"cell component comparison design" |
[EFO:0001743] |
"cell cycle design" |
[EFO:0001744] |
"cell type comparison design" |
[EFO:0001745] |
"cellular modification design" |
[EFO:0004666] |
"clinical history design" |
[EFO:0001780] |
"compound treatment design" |
[EFO:0001755] |
"cross sectional design" |
[EFO:0001428] |
"development or differentiation design" |
[EFO:0001746] |
"disease state design" |
[EFO:0001756] |
"dose response design" |
[EFO:0001757] |
"twin design" |
[EFO:0001431] |
"genetic modification design" |
[EFO:0001758] |
"genotype design" |
[EFO:0001748] |
"growth condition design" |
[EFO:0001759] |
"imprinting design" |
[EFO:0001747] |
"injury design" |
[EFO:0001760] |
"innate behavior design" |
[EFO:0001749] |
"organism part comparison design" |
[EFO:0001750] |
"organism status design" |
[EFO:0001751] |
"pathogenicity design" |
[EFO:0001761] |
"population based design" |
[EFO:0001430] |
"sex design" |
[EFO:0001752] |
"species design" |
[EFO:0001753] |
"stimulus or stress design" |
[EFO:0001762] |
"strain or line design" |
[EFO:0001754] |
"time series design" |
[EFO:0001779] |
"family based design" |
[EFO:0001429] |
"genotyping design" |
[EFO:0001784] |
"mobile element identification design" |
[EFO:0005693] |
"operon identification design" |
[EFO:0001785] |
"secreted protein identification design" |
[EFO:0001786] |
"translational bias design" |
[EFO:0001787] |
"transposable element identification design" |
[EFO:0005692] |
"hardware variation design" |
[EFO:0001767] |
"normalization testing design" |
[EFO:0001771] |
"operator variation design" |
[EFO:0001772] |
"optimization design" |
[EFO:0001773] |
"quality control testing design" |
[EFO:0001774] |
"reference design" |
[EFO:0001775] |
"replicate design" |
[EFO:0001776] |
"software variation design" |
[EFO:0001778] |
"validation by real time PCR design" |
[OBI:0001166] |
"validation by reverse transcription PCR design" |
[OBI:0001162] |
"RNA stability design"