npm install allto-json
require('allto-json').csv('sample.csv', function(err, result){
require('allto-json').xml('sample.xml', function(error, result){
require('allto-json').xlsx(('sample.xlsx'), function(error, result){
require('allto-json').xls(('sample.xls'), function(error, result){
csv(filename, opts, callback);
opts is optional,below is available options
encoding: | default to utf8 |
delimiter: | default to , |
newlint: | default to \n |
quote: | default to " |
header: | default to false |
no callback require,opts is same as above.
no opts
no callback
xlsx(filename, opts, callback)
opts is optional,below is available options
second colume shows default value
cellFormula | true | Save formulae to the .f field |
cellHTML | true | Parse rich text and save HTML to the .h field |
cellNF | false | Save number format string to the .z field |
cellStyles | false | Save style/theme info to the .s field |
cellDates | false | Store dates as type d (default is n) |
sheetStubs | false | Create cell objects for stub cells |
sheetRows | 0 | If >0, read the first sheetRows rows |
bookDeps | false | If true, parse calculation chains |
bookFiles | false | If true, add raw files to book object |
bookProps | false | If true, only parse enough to get book metadata |
bookSheets | false | If true, only parse enough to get the sheet names |
bookVBA | false | If true, expose vbaProject.bin to vbaraw field |
password | "" | If defined and file is encrypted, use password |
opts is same as above.
xls(filename, opts, callback)
opts is optional,below is available options
second colume shows default value
cellFormula | true | Save formulae to the .f field |
cellNF | false | Save number format string to the .z field |
cellStyles | false | Save style/theme info to the .s field |
sheetRows | 0 | If >0, read the first sheetRows rows |
bookFiles | false | If true, add raw files to book object |
bookProps | false | If true, only parse enough to get book metadata |
bookSheets | false | If true, only parse enough to get the sheet names |
password | "" | If defined and file is encrypted, use password |
xls(filename, opts)
opts is same as above
You can also use opts like this.
csv(filename, { header: true }, callback)