FIX: Catch None type in formulas
MNT: Correctly attributed .bashrc file authorship, and commented out the deprected variable GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
ENH: Big cleanup, renaming the model._update function to model._push_queue, better relaxation with in_place option and queueing of the constraints
TST: tests for relaxation
FIX: try block for making the folder if it does not exist
MNT: Adding chmod in dockerfile for gurobi install, and tqdm as requirement to have better UI
ENH: Function to find big coefficients in solver matrix
ENH: Adding support for scaling factors in variables and a tad faster relaxation
FIX: missing dep tqdm in requirements.txt
FIX: missing dep tqdm in setup.py
ENH: hook is now an attribute of the var/cons
change_expr method added to constraints
FIX: change_expr of a constraint
MNT: doc gitignore to ignore build files
ENH: relaxation uses constraint.change_expr method
ENH: Chebyshev center computation
ENH: Improved solver parameters (Gurobi) for relaxation
MNT: solution.f deprecated in cobra, changed to solution. objective_value
ENH: Chebyshev center accepts forced inclusion of constraints
ENH: Update doc version
FIX: forgot to add the config module
ENH: Faster constraint evaluation
MNT: Removing Py 3.4 support and adding 3.7
FIX: change dist for Py3.7 support
ENH: Adjusted for ETFL