For background why I bought this setup, see this reddit discussion
- Parts: Adafruit Matrix Portal S3 with a HUB75 panel
- Any HUB75 panel (and probably also others) most likely work
Install this to get it work with your Arduino IDE.
Install this library in your Arduino IDE.
The examples from this library don't work out of the box since the pins are differently wired on the Adafruit Matrix Portal S3.
You need to change the content of the file ~/Arduino/libraries/ESP32_HUB75_LED_MATRIX_PANEL_DMA_Display/src/platforms/esp32s3/esp32s3-default-pins.hpp
#pragma once
// Avoid and QSPI pins
#define R1_PIN_DEFAULT 42
#define G1_PIN_DEFAULT 41
#define B1_PIN_DEFAULT 40
#define R2_PIN_DEFAULT 38
#define G2_PIN_DEFAULT 39
#define B2_PIN_DEFAULT 37
#define A_PIN_DEFAULT 45
#define B_PIN_DEFAULT 36
#define C_PIN_DEFAULT 48
#define D_PIN_DEFAULT 35
#define E_PIN_DEFAULT 21 // required for 1/32 scan panels, like 64x64. Any available pin would do, i.e. IO32
#define LAT_PIN_DEFAULT 47
#define OE_PIN_DEFAULT 14
Sometimes if strange errors occurs, either try to change USB cable or another fix could be:
- Hold BOOT button, press Reset button, release boot button. Then upload