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katjabercic edited this page Aug 2, 2016 · 3 revisions


  • Column
    Name of column used in the data files.
  • Analysis
    Indicator or property. Indicators are columns containing information obtained during the project. Properties are accelerator properties and practices. This information was not used in the actual computations; used for bookkeeping.
  • Source
    Source of data. This information was not used in the actual computations; used for bookkeeping.
  • Type
    Numeric, binary or category.
  • Subtype
    Numeric: normalised (scores in the range 0-5), log (scores that need to be log transformed before computation), count (integer features with large range), numeric (other numeric types),
    Binary: yes-no (binary with values yes and no), binary (other binary types),
    Category: category,
    None: not used in computation.
  • Computations
    Benchmark: feature to be used in the computation,
    Mmark: Mattermark features which were used in preliminary computation.
  • Label
    Display name of the column.
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