Infrastructure to build Bitcoin and blockchain-based applications for the next generation of financial technology.
- node js: v22.12.0
- yarn: v1.22.22
- mongo: v5.0
- .env
- ducatuscore.config.json
yarn install
yarn compile
yarn dev:node
yarn dev:dws
make start
make stop
make logs-node
make logs-dws
- For authentication:
npm set "//$NPM_TOKEN"
- For publish:
yarn lerna:publish
If an error occurred with node-gyp, install the dependencies: and restart pc
Mongo: E11000 duplicate key error collection:
use dws db.addresses.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: { address: "$address", coin: "$coin" }, count: { $sum: 1 }, duplicates: { $addToSet: "$_id" } } }, { $match: { count: { $gt: 1 } } } ]).forEach(function(doc) { doc.duplicates.shift(); // Keep one document, remove others db.addresses.remove({ _id: { $in: doc.duplicates } }); });
- Ducatuscore Node - A full node with extended capabilities using ducatuscore-node Core
- Ducatuscore Wallet - A command-line based wallet client
- Ducatuscore Wallet Client - A client for the wallet service
- Ducatuscore Wallet Service - A multisig HD service for wallets
- Insight - A blockchain explorer web user interface
- Ducatuscore Lib - A powerful JavaScript library for Ducatus
- Ducatuscore Lib Cash - A powerful JavaScript library for Bitcoin Cash
- Ducatuscore Mnemonic - Implements mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys
- Ducatuscore P2P - The peer-to-peer networking protocol for Ducatus
- Ducatuscore P2P Cash - The peer-to-peer networking protocol for Bitcoin Cash
- Ducatuscore Crypto - A coin-agnostic wallet library for creating transactions, signing, and address derivation
- Ducatuscore Build - A helper to add tasks to gulp
- Ducatuscore Client - A helper to create a wallet using the ducatuscore-v8 infrastructure