This is an minimal OTP library for sending slack notifications. "At targets" are supported. (@channel, @here, etc.)
- Erlang runtime system. I used kerl to install 17.4 at /home/root/erlangs/17.4
- A Slack account with an authentication token and a channel for posting
{slack, [
{slack_user, "mousetrap"},
{slack_channel, "#mousetrap"},
{slack_token, "<slack token here>"}
mousetrap BOT [7:40 PM]
Mousetrap starting
Start pin_server_5 watching pin {pin,gpio0,5,"4 (Not yet wired)"} (now closed) and notifying mousetrap_server
Start pin_server_48 watching pin {pin,gpio1,16,"3 (in the kitchen pantry)"} (now closed) and notifying mousetrap_server
Start pin_server_31 watching pin {pin,gpio0,31,"2 (by basement freezer)"} (now closed) and notifying mousetrap_server
Start pin_server_30 watching pin {pin,gpio0,30,"1 (over workshop door)"} (now closed) and notifying mousetrap_server
mousetrap BOT [12:44 AM]
Mousetrap '3 (in the kitchen pantry)' has caught a mouse.
mousetrap BOT [7:46 AM]
Mousetrap '3 (in the kitchen pantry)' has been reset.
Add this to your sys.config, replacing with your token, which you can generate at
{slack, [
{slack_user, "mousetrap"},
{slack_channel, "#mousetrap-beta"},
{slack_token, "<your slack token here>"}
Add to your Makefile:
DEPS = slack
Include inets, ssl, and slack in your app.src file:
{applications, [
You can use either of these functions to send notifications. The first uses the settings configured in your sys.config:
notification_library:notify("@channel Mousetrap starting"),
notification_library:notify(Token, SlackChannel, UserName, Message, "@channel Mousetrap starting"),