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Go API client for docspring

DocSpring provides an API that helps you fill out and sign PDF templates.


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: 2.0.1
  • Generator version: 7.11.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen


Install the following dependencies:

go get
go get

Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import docspring ""

To use a proxy, set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY:

os.Setenv("HTTP_PROXY", "http://proxy_name:proxy_port")

Configuration of Server URL

Default configuration comes with Servers field that contains server objects as defined in the OpenAPI specification.

Select Server Configuration

For using other server than the one defined on index 0 set context value docspring.ContextServerIndex of type int.

ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), docspring.ContextServerIndex, 1)

Templated Server URL

Templated server URL is formatted using default variables from configuration or from context value docspring.ContextServerVariables of type map[string]string.

ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), docspring.ContextServerVariables, map[string]string{
	"basePath": "v2",

Note, enum values are always validated and all unused variables are silently ignored.

URLs Configuration per Operation

Each operation can use different server URL defined using OperationServers map in the Configuration. An operation is uniquely identified by "{classname}Service.{nickname}" string. Similar rules for overriding default operation server index and variables applies by using docspring.ContextOperationServerIndices and docspring.ContextOperationServerVariables context maps.

ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), docspring.ContextOperationServerIndices, map[string]int{
	"{classname}Service.{nickname}": 2,
ctx = context.WithValue(context.Background(), docspring.ContextOperationServerVariables, map[string]map[string]string{
	"{classname}Service.{nickname}": {
		"port": "8443",

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
PDFAPI AddFieldsToTemplate Put /templates/{template_id}/add_fields Add new fields to a Template
PDFAPI BatchGeneratePdfs Post /submissions/batches Generates multiple PDFs
PDFAPI CombinePdfs Post /combined_submissions?v=2 Merge submission PDFs, template PDFs, or custom files
PDFAPI CombineSubmissions Post /combined_submissions Merge generated PDFs together
PDFAPI CopyTemplate Post /templates/{template_id}/copy Copy a Template
PDFAPI CreateCustomFileFromUpload Post /custom_files Create a new custom file from a cached presign upload
PDFAPI CreateDataRequestEvent Post /data_requests/{data_request_id}/events Creates a new event for emailing a signee a request for signature
PDFAPI CreateDataRequestToken Post /data_requests/{data_request_id}/tokens Creates a new data request token for form authentication
PDFAPI CreateFolder Post /folders/ Create a folder
PDFAPI CreateHTMLTemplate Post /templates?endpoint_description=html Create a new HTML template
PDFAPI CreatePDFTemplate Post /templates Create a new PDF template with a form POST file upload
PDFAPI CreatePDFTemplateFromUpload Post /templates?endpoint_description=cached_upload Create a new PDF template from a cached presign upload
PDFAPI DeleteFolder Delete /folders/{folder_id} Delete a folder
PDFAPI DeleteTemplate Delete /templates/{template_id} Delete a template
PDFAPI ExpireCombinedSubmission Delete /combined_submissions/{combined_submission_id} Expire a combined submission
PDFAPI ExpireSubmission Delete /submissions/{submission_id} Expire a PDF submission
PDFAPI GeneratePdf Post /templates/{template_id}/submissions Generates a new PDF
PDFAPI GeneratePdfForHtmlTemplate Post /templates/{template_id}/submissions?endpoint_description=html_templates Generates a new PDF for an HTML template
PDFAPI GeneratePreview Post /submissions/{submission_id}/generate_preview Generated a preview PDF for partially completed data requests
PDFAPI GetCombinedSubmission Get /combined_submissions/{combined_submission_id} Check the status of a combined submission (merged PDFs)
PDFAPI GetDataRequest Get /data_requests/{data_request_id} Look up a submission data request
PDFAPI GetFullTemplate Get /templates/{template_id}?full=true Fetch the full template attributes
PDFAPI GetPresignUrl Get /uploads/presign Get a presigned URL so that you can upload a file to our AWS S3 bucket
PDFAPI GetSubmission Get /submissions/{submission_id} Check the status of a PDF
PDFAPI GetSubmissionBatch Get /submissions/batches/{submission_batch_id} Check the status of a submission batch job
PDFAPI GetTemplate Get /templates/{template_id} Check the status of an uploaded template
PDFAPI GetTemplateSchema Get /templates/{template_id}/schema Fetch the JSON schema for a template
PDFAPI ListCombinedSubmissions Get /combined_submissions Get a list of all combined submissions
PDFAPI ListFolders Get /folders/ Get a list of all folders
PDFAPI ListSubmissions Get /submissions List all submissions
PDFAPI ListTemplateSubmissions Get /templates/{template_id}/submissions List all submissions for a given template
PDFAPI ListTemplates Get /templates Get a list of all templates
PDFAPI MoveFolderToFolder Post /folders/{folder_id}/move Move a folder
PDFAPI MoveTemplateToFolder Post /templates/{template_id}/move Move Template to folder
PDFAPI RenameFolder Post /folders/{folder_id}/rename Rename a folder
PDFAPI TestAuthentication Get /authentication Test Authentication
PDFAPI UpdateDataRequest Put /data_requests/{data_request_id} Update a submission data request
PDFAPI UpdateTemplate Put /templates/{template_id} Update a Template

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), docspring.ContextBasicAuth, docspring.BasicAuth{
	UserName: "username",
	Password: "password",
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)

Documentation for Utility Methods

Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it:

  • PtrBool
  • PtrInt
  • PtrInt32
  • PtrInt64
  • PtrFloat
  • PtrFloat32
  • PtrFloat64
  • PtrString
  • PtrTime



Go client for the DocSpring API (







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