Code base for FRC Team 6413's 2024 Crescendo Robot Code
Comments on EVERYTHING (Commands, Constants, etc) Organize files properly in corresponding folders Follow naming conventions (reference section below) Create Issues on Github for EVERY branch
- add a description of what the branch should accomplish
- 'Assignees': used to indicate who is working on what
- 'Labels': used to organize issues, add as necessary
- 'Development': link the branch to the issue
LOG OUT when finished for the day
- Use Credential Manager to Log Out of Github through Windows
- Log out of Slack, Github, Google, and anything else
Beta Numbers
- first number = repository #
- second number = # of pushes to Dev
- third number = issue #
- fourth number = # of commits
- fifth number = functionality (1 = working as intended, 0 = works but not as intended, -1 = crashes, -2 = doesn't build)
For example, the first repository that has 2 Pushes to Dev, on the branch associated with issue 7, with 18 commits, which works but not as intended should look like: ""
- Competition-ready code
- ONLY receives pushes from Dev
- Do NOT make branches off of main
- Used for full systems tests
- Only push to main after tested and cleaned
- No hardcoded values, add them to Constants
- Explanatory comments
- Code is fully functional
- Make ALL branches off of this branch!!
- Used for new features on the robot
- Ex: feat#40-arm
- Used for code changes
- Changes can be as small or big as necessary
- Ex: feat#68-mechanism-button-bindings
- Only contains what the branch is named
- Ex: No climber code in a shooter branch
- Changes can be as small or big as necessary
- Branch name is all lowercase and hyphenated
- Ex: feat#69-shooter-interpolation, not feat#69-ShooterInterpolation
- Push to Dev when code is tested and clean (see "Dev" for "tested and clean" standards)
- Used for bugfixing of a feature from Dev
- Branch name is all lowercase and hyphenated
- Used for cleaning code from Dev
- Branch name is all lowercase and hyphenated
- Folder and file names
- CapitalizeEveryWordWithoutSpaces
- *unless it's a subsystem in Subsystems, which are all lowercase (ex: "arm", "utbintake")
- Constants
- Functions and variables
- camelCase (lowercase first word, capitalize first letter of all subsequent words, no spaces)
- Commands
- Teleop Commands
- Commands used for Teleop
- Ex: scoring AMP, intaking NOTE from SOURCE, run all Intakes, etc.
- Zero Commands
- Resets Actuator, Arm, Wrist, Shooter, and Feeder to their "zero" positions
- Teleop Commands
- Subsystems
- Ex: Arm, Drive, Vision, etc.
- [subsystem]
- []: main class for subsystem, runs commands depending on passed in IO (sim or real), extends SubsystemBase
- [Subsystem] subsystem-specific constants
- [Subsystem] interface for inputs and methods
- [Subsystem] simulation code for subsystem, implements [Subsystem]IO
- [Subsystem]IO[Motor].java: real code for subsystem, implements [Subsystem]IO
- Utils
- PathPlanner
- Used in autos to follow a path
- PIDController
- Custom DoF PID Controller class
- PoseEstimator
- Calculates pose based on sensors
- PathPlanner
- Other (not in a folder)
- Constants
- Constants shared by all subsystems, related to the robot
- Ex: controller port numbers, battery voltage, alliance (red/blue), etc.
- Main
- Runs Robot
- Robot
- Initializes robot, starts logging data, runs periodic/auto/simulation modes
- Robot Container
- Creates all subsystems, runs commands, and logs data
- Constants
- git add .
- stages all code to prepare for commit and push
- git commit -m "[Insert Message Here]"
- saves code locally with a msg of what was done to the code
- git push
- pushes code to the cloud
- git fetch
- tells laptop their are new changes
- git pull
- puts new changes on laptop
- git pull does git fetch
- git pull origin Dev
- pulls changes from Dev
- git merge (origin) Dev
- pulls ALL changes from Dev (no rebases)
- git checkout [branch name]
- Changes your branch
- git checkout -b [branch name]
- Creates new branch off of current branch
- git branch
- Shows all branches that have been pulled on laptop
- git branch --all
- Shows all branches since last fetch
- git config [User Email]
- Configures email for THAT specfic Folder
- Used to properly label who wrote what code through commits (not Access or PRs)
- git config [Github Username]
- Configures username for THAT Specific Folder
- Used to properly label who wrote what code through commits (Not Access or PRs)