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Dirkster99 edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 4 revisions

This sample application implements a demo to support directory based diffs on the Windows file system, such as this:

Software Design

The diagram in this section gives a birds eye view over the components (and their dependencies) that come together to work in this application.

The heart of the application is implemented in the AehnlichLib and AehnlichViewLib:

  • AehnlichLib is the core backend library that implements all base algorithms and structures necessary to diff:

    • directory entries with their files (and their sub-entries)
    • text content that is organized in lines (such as code for programming)
  • AehnlichViewLib implements the controls that can be used to display the content generated by AehnlichLib via the appropriate ViewModel bindings in the main application.

  • FsDataLib implements a wrapper for all types of information being retrieved from the Windows file system. This wrapper is placed here to enable unit tests via mock-ups and enable diffs on similar structures (eg. table structures in 2 SQL databases)

See Also

Aehnlich to understand how this part of demo is tight into the final product.

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