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ItsTheSky committed Apr 21, 2022
2 parents f664c11 + e6e2324 commit 86314ba
Showing 1 changed file with 137 additions and 0 deletions.
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
# LavaPlayer
The official LavaPlayer's DiSky module, to play & search music on Youtube, Soundcloud and more.

# Installation

1. Download DiSky, put it in the `/plugins/` folder
2. Download LavaPlayer, put it in the `/plugins/DiSky/modules/` folder
3. Restart your server

# Audio Example

Don't forget to use the `loadMusicCommands` function in order to load the commands!

function loadMusicCommands(guild: guild):
set {_play} to new slash command named "play" with description "Search & play a track from YouTube or SoundCloud."
set {_type} to new string option named "source" with description "Where to search the specified query."
add new choice named "YouTube" with value "youtube" to choices of {_type}
add new choice named "SoundCloud" with value "soundcloud" to choices of {_type}
add new required string option named "query" with description "The query to search." to options of {_play}
add {_type} to options of {_play}
set {_pause} to new slash command named "pause" with description "Pause the current track."
set {_stop} to new slash command named "stop" with description "Stop the current track & clear the queue."
set {_resume} to new slash command named "resume" with description "Resume the current paused track."
set {_skip} to new slash command named "skip" with description "Skip the current track and play the next one."
set {_queue} to new slash command named "queue" with description "Check the queue, if any is active."
set {_repeat} to new slash command named "repeat" with description "Either the current playing track should repeat."
add new required boolean option named "repeat" with description "The repeat boolean state." to options of {_repeat}
set {_continue} to new slash command named "continue" with description "Either the next track should be played when the current finish."
add new required boolean option named "continue" with description "The continue boolean state." to options of {_continue}
update {_play}, {_stop}, {_pause}, {_resume}, {_skip}, {_repeat}, {_continue} and {_queue} locally in {_guild}
function cut(text: text, chars: integer) :: text:
set {_v::*} to split {_text} at ""
if size of {_v::*} is smaller or equal to 0:
return ""
loop {_chars} times:
add {_v::%loop-number%} to {_f::*}
add ".", "." and "." to {_f::*}
return join {_f::*} with ""
function trackEmbed(track: audiotrack, type: text) :: embedbuilder:
make embed:
set title of embed to "%{_type}%: %track title of {_track}%"
add "`•` __Author:__ %track author of {_track}%" to {_l::*}
add "`•` __Duration:__ %track duration of {_track}%" to {_l::*}
add "`•` __Identifier:__ %track identifier of {_track}%" to {_l::*}
add "" to {_l::*}
add ":link: **Direct Link:** <%track url of {_track}%>" to {_l::*}
set thumbnail of embed to track thumbnail of {_track}
set description of embed to join {_l::*} with nl
set embed color of embed to orange
return last embed
on slash command:
if event-string is "play":
set {_query} to argument "query" as string
set {_provider} to argument "source" as string
if {_provider} is not set:
set {_provider} to "youtube"
if "%{_query}%" contain "?list=":
set {_isList} to true
set {_isList} to false
search in ({_provider} parsed as audiosource) for {_query} and store the tracks in {_result::*}
if {_result::*} is not set:
reply with ":x: **Nothing found for this query in `%{_provider}%`!**"
if voice channel of event-member is not set:
reply with ":x: **You are not connected to any voice channel!**"
connect the bot to voice channel of event-member
if queue of event-guild is set:
set {_t} to "Queued"
set {_t} to "Now Playing"
if {_isList} is true:
play {_result::*} in event-guild
make embed:
set title of embed to "Queued Playlist (%size of {_result::*}% tracks):"
set embed color of embed to orange
loop {_result::*}:
add "`•` **%cut(track title of loop-value, 30)%** by *%track author of loop-value%*" to {_l::*}
set description of embed to join {_l::*} with nl
set footer of embed to "Executed by %event-member%"
reply with last embed
play {_result::1} in event-guild
reply with trackEmbed({_result::1}, {_t})
else if event-string is "continue":
set {_c} to argument "continue" as boolean
set continue state of event-guild to {_c}
if {_c} is true:
reply with ":sparkles: **Enabled the auto-continue system!**"
reply with ":sparkles: **Disabled the auto-continue system!**"
else if event-string is "repeat":
set {_c} to argument "repeat" as boolean
set repeating state of event-guild to {_c}
if {_c} is true:
reply with ":sparkles: **Repeating enabled!**"
reply with ":sparkles: **Repeating disabled!**"
else if event-string is "stop":
stop queue in event-guild
reply with ":wave: **Goodbye!**"
disconnect bot from event-guild
else if event-string is "queue":
set {_queue::*} to queue of event-guild
if {_queue::1} is set:
make embed:
set title of embed to "Queue of %event-guild% (%size of {_queue::*}% tracks):"
set embed color of embed to orange
set footer of embed to "Executed by %event-member%"
set {_place} to 1
loop {_queue::*}:
add "`%{_place}%)` **%cut(track title of loop-value, 30)%** by *%track author of loop-value%*" to {_l::*}
set description of embed to join {_l::*} with nl
reply with last embed
reply with ":x: **There's no current queue in this guild!**"
else if event-string is "skip":
skip track of event-guild and store it in {_track}
if {_track} is not set:
reply with ":x: **There's no other track to play!**"
reply with trackEmbed({_track}, "Now Playing")

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