Welcome to ZIFF, Inc. Summer Internship 2017!
To submit a solution or effort for a challenge task fork this project and create a
pull request following the pull request template found in
If you would like to add libraries to the notebook-server
you can do so by creating one or two files:
To add files with conda
- Make a file named
- Add something like the following:
# my-environment.yml
name: root
- conda-forge
- defaults
- my-favorite-library=1.0.0
To add files with pip
- Make a file named
- Add something like the following:
# my-requirements.txt
Download and install the following:
- Docker
- Mac or Windows Pro: Docker Community Edition
- Windows Home Edition: Docker Toolbox
- Python 3.6.1
- OSX: brew install python3
- Windows: Python 3.6.1
- git
- OSX: either use system git or update with
brew install git
- Windows: git
- OSX: either use system git or update with
- git large file system
- Google Drive
- You can sync all of your Google Drive or just create a "MyNotebooks" folder and sync only that when you setup Google Drive
$ git clone https://github.com/ziff/internship2017.git
We recommend storing your personal notebooks in Google Drive or Dropbox. Configure this by creating a place for notebooks and if you like project subdirectories.
Because whitespace in a directory name or filename is a not supported in Docker volumes create a symlink for your Google Drive directory if you are using Google Drive. e.g. from your home directory:
OSX or Windows [git bash or Docker Quickstart Terminal] or Linux:
$ ln -s Google\ Drive gdrive # creates a symbolic link called 'gdrive'
Windows Pro or Home Edition [CMD as administrator]:
C:\Users\gonzo>mklink /D "C:\Users\<username>\gdrive" "C:\<username>\Google Drive"
Finally, create a directory or project directory in your Google Drive for your notebooks. For example you could make a directory
Now from this project directory:
OSX or Windows [git bash or Docker Quickstart Terminal] or Linux:
$ cd internship2017
$ ln -s /Users/gonzo/gdrive/MyNotebooks/internship2017 notebooks # this will create a link called notebooks in your project directory
Windows Pro or Home Edition [CMD as administrator]:
C:\Users\gonzo\Projects\internship2017>mklink /D notebooks "C:\Users\gonzo\Google Drive\MyNotebooks\intership2017"
Make a copy of the example.env
file and rename the copy .env
and update the environmental variable GDRIVE_NOTEBOOKS_DIRECTORY
with the full path to your local storage directory. I'm using Google Drive on OSX with a symlink to 'gdrive' so my entry
looks like this:
OSX or Linux:
Windows Home Edition:
Windows Pro:
- If you are running Windows Pro with Docker CE native then you can configure natural Windows paths
You need to do this so that Docker can find your notebooks directory. It will not work if you try and point Docker to your local symbolic link.
# start a notebook server in the background
$ docker-compose up -d
# get the link to your local notebook server
# if you are using Windows HE make sure to get the correct IP addres
$ docker-compose logs # e.g.
# if you are using Windows HE then docker creates an isolated virtual machine using 'docker-machine'
# this means you need to find out the IP address of that isolated virtual machine and you can do that with
# Windows HE only
# docker-machine ip
# docker-compose logs # e.g. http://<IP address above>:8888/?token=3bd3dd53b2804cfc1ca4d18997f3eb7ab4906598a48f9df4
# to exit from logs use 'ctl-c'
$ docker-compose down # stop the notebook server
If you are doing development on this project create a virtual environment and install development dependencies.
python -m venv .venv
pip install -r requirements.txt