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DewGew edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 4 revisions


DZGA has an REST API using POST. This allows users to run their own scripts.

Sync devices:

Set enable/disable googla assistant:

Sets roomplan:

Sets domoticz url:

Restart server (requires admin):

Remove a user (requires admin):

Device config:
Hide a device:

Turn on/off check state message:

Set room:

Set device ack:

Set device type:

Set nicknames:

This lua example script enables/disables google assistant:

local idx = 123
local url = ''
local token = 'myCoolToken'
local state

return {
	on = {
		devices = {idx}
	execute = function(domoticz, item)
        domoticz.log(dev, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
        if (item.state == 'Off') then
            state = 'false'
            state = 'true'

			url = 'http://'..url..'/api?custom=user_settings&googleassistant=' .. state,
			method = 'POST',
			headers = {
			    Authorization = 'Bearer '..token
		domoticz.log('Google Assistant is ' .. item.state, domoticz.LOG_FORCE)


Domoticz API

By default POST requests to the API can be passed to the Domoticz backend. This means that DZGA accepts the same API calls as Domoticz. Just replace /json.htm with /api

Example to get details of all lights/switches from domoticz:

You can find all domoticz api:s here.

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