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REST requests don't resolve in the browser if the response's status code is 204 #16421

REST requests don't resolve in the browser if the response's status code is 204

REST requests don't resolve in the browser if the response's status code is 204 #16421

Workflow file for this run

name: No Response
# Both `issue_comment` and `scheduled` event types are required for this Action
# to work properly.
types: [created]
# Schedule for five minutes after the hour, every hour
- cron: '5 * * * *'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: lee-dohm/[email protected]
token: ${{ github.token }}
daysUntilClose: 10
responseRequiredLabel: "STATE: Need clarification"
closeComment: >
This issue was automatically closed because there was no response
to our request for more information from the original author.
Currently, we don't have enough information to take action.
Please reach out to us if you find the necessary information
and are able to share it. We are also eager to know if you resolved
the issue on your own and can share your findings with everyone.