This is a client for the german Anime & Manga page ProxerMe.
Build the project and install it on your device or download the latest release and install it on your device.
Assuming that you know how to use Git, have the Android SDK and the Java SDK installed, run the following commands:
git clone
cd ProxerMe
This App needs an API key to work. You can request one from the Admins at
Proxer. You then need to create a file
in the root of the
project with the following contents:
After that you can build the App like this:
gradlew.bat assembleDebug
./gradlew assembleDebug
You can find the apk in app/build/outputs/apk/
To install it directly on your device through ADB, you can run the following:
gradlew.bat installDebug
./gradlew installDebug
You want to create your own App? Check out ProxerLibAndroid. This App depends highly on it and it implements most of the available API.
A guide for contribution can be found here.