Online Dog Store - Puppies Passion
SoftUni Java Web - Mobilebg
SoftUni Java Web - Pathfinder
SoftUni Java Web - Battleships
SoftUni Java Web - Supermarket
Main components:
Spring Boot Starters
Spring Boot Auto-Configuration
Spring Boot Actuator
Spring Data
Spring IoC container
- Responsible for managing all the beans?
Spring bean
- An instance of a class managed by the Spring container.
- Combines@Configuration
- Automatically configures the Spring application based on the classpath and other beans. Eliminates the need for manual configuration.@SpringBootConfiguration
- Indicates that a class provides Spring Boot-specific configurations.@ComponentScan
- Specifies the packages that Spring should scan for components, configurations, and services.@ComponentScan
without arguments tells Spring to scan the current package and all of its sub-packages.
- Declares a method that produces a bean managed by the Spring container. Applies on Method level. -
- -
- Specifies which bean to autowire when multiple candidates exist. -
- Indicates that a bean should be given preference when multiple beans of the same type are available for autowiring. -
- Generic stereotype for any Spring-managed component. Applies on Class level.@Controller
- Returns views.@RestController
- Combining@Controller
. Return data directly in the response body.@Service
- The return type of a method should be written directly to the HTTP response body. Commonly returns JSON or XML data. -
- Binds and validates external configurations to a configuration object. -
- Includes or excludes parts of the configuration based on certain conditions. -
- Marks a method to be run at periodic intervals, allowing for easy scheduling of tasks within your application. -
- Injects values into configuration parameters from property files or environment variables. -
- Indicates that a component is eligible for registration when certain profiles are active. This is useful for defining environment-specific beans. -
- Used for integration testing of Spring Boot applications. -
- Used for testing JPA repositories. -
- Used for testing Spring MVC controllers.
- What Is Spring?
- What is Spring Framework?
- What is the Spring framework really all about?
- What is Spring-Boot Framework? (explained from scratch)
- Spring Framework Tutorial | Full Course
- Spring ultimate basics: What are Spring Beans and what is the Spring Container?
- Spring Beans Showdown: Unraveling the Mystery of @Component vs @Bean!
- Difference between @component & @bean annotations in Spring boot | Interview Question
- @Component vs @Bean Annotations
- Difference between @Component vs @Bean in Spring Boot | Interview Questions @JavaExpress
- Difference between @component & @bean annotations in Spring boot | Interview Question | Code Decode
- Difference between @Bean and @Component annotation in Spring | @Component vs @ Bean Annotations
- Java Bean vs POJO vs Spring Bean | Are you confused too ?
- Spring Boot Roadmap - How To Master Spring Boot
- How Spring Boot works internally.
- Spring Boot Tutorial | Full Course [2023] [NEW]
- How to load initial database data in Spring Boot
- Java Spring Boot - JPA - Hibernate - H2 - Database Initialization using data.sql and schema.sql
- Spring Boot Tutorial 28 - Using data sql to Initialize the Database
- Spring Boot Validation
- JDBC vs JPA: Pros and Cons
- JAVA DTO Pattern Tutorial | Simplify Your Code
- Demystifying Spring Session: A Comprehensive Introduction for Java Developers!
- Spring Boot versus Quarkus
- Spring @ModelAttribute Annotation with Example
- Spring MVC - Model attribute
- What is @ModelAttribute in spring boot?
- 15. @ModelAttribute Theory
- Spring MVC Tutorials 11 - Understanding @ModelAttribute Annotation 01 (using on a method argument)
- Spring MVC Tutorials 12 - Understanding @ModelAttribute annotation 02 ( using at a method level )
- Spring Web MVC || @ModelAttribute Annotation as Method Argument || Part-8
- CORS in 100 Seconds
- Learn CORS In 6 Minutes
- #23 CORS Error in Spring Boot
- Spring Boot - Enable Cross Origin Request for a REST API | Enable CORS
- Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing in REST | Spring Security | Java Techie
- Platform Engineering със Spring Boot
- Java Tutorial - Complete User Login and Registration Backend + Email Verification
- Изграждане на REST API с Java и Spring (камера)
- Въведение в WebSockets в Spring Framework (камера)
- Building microservices with Java - Тодор Олев
- What cookies are and how they work!
- What Are Cookies? And How They Work | Explained for Beginners!
- 🍪 What are cookies and how to get rid of cookie banners?
- Difference between cookies, session and tokens
- Cookies vs Sessions Explained: What You Need to Know
- What are Internet (Website) Cookies & Cache? #3
- How exactly the Sessions and Cookies work? || Session Management || Spring MVC || @SessionAttributes
- Web App Pentesting - HTTP Cookies & Sessions
- #10 Servlet and JSP Tutorial | HttpSession | Cookie
- Session vs Token Authentication in 100 Seconds
- What You Need to Know About HTTP Protocol [Dev Concepts #39]
- Which Is Better? SQL vs NoSQL
- MongoDB in 100 Seconds
- MySQL vs MongoDB
- MySql vs MongoDB, What's the Best Database Solution?
- MongoDB vs MySQL | Difference Between MongoDB And MySQL | MySQL vs MongoDB Performance | Simplilearn