The extension allows to creatre typescript library file strurture as it applies in Tensor company and to execute git routine Library structure includes library files (only .ts or .ts and .less) and library folder with component files (main .ts file, style file, template file and interface folder and file). Git routine includes following commands: pull, create branch, checkout on created branch, commit, push, checkout on rc branch.
- Command Create TS library lets you to create TS library, where styles are imported from components
- Command Create TS + Less library lets you to create TS library with .less file, where all style files are imported
- Command Add component to library lets you to create new component in existing library
- Command Tensor Git lets you execute git routine
You can activate the extension via command palette using extension title Create TS library / Create TS + Less library / Add component to library or via context menu on any folder To create TS or TS + Less library open context menu on module folder and to create component open context menu on library folder IMPORTANT You must create component in library with the same file structure as one this plugin creates
You can configure the extension via VSCode user settings. Configuration for TypeScript Library Structure Creator:
- separateResources {boolean} specifies library inner structure. When true component style, template and interface files are created in separate folder in library folder
Configuration for Tensor Git:
- branchPrefix {string} - part of branch name after version number
- branchNameSource {string} - source for main branch name part:
- popup - you will be asked to specify branch name via popup window
- clipboard - branch name will be gotten from clipboard
- random - branch name will be created at random
- strictMode specifies a behavior, when you are not allowed to execute git extension on non-rc branch
Default configuration:
"creator": {
"separateResources": false
"git": {
"branchPrefix": "tensor",
"branchNameSource": "clipboard",
"strictMode": true
- Rename Create Library to Create TS library
- Add command Create TS + Less library
- Add command Add component to library
- Add configuration file for extension settings
- Add command Tensor Git
- Fix small bugs
- Add extenstion configuration to VSCode settings
- Update the inserted content
- Add opportunity to open component documentation
- Add standart classes snippets
- Add snippets to .html files also