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For all my people using TDs who now need to store everything in it instead of their Personal Drive. Need help? This Clone Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for cloning files to our beloved Google Drive.

Setting up config file (present in bot/

  • BOT_TOKEN : The telegram bot token that you get from @BotFather
  • GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID : This is the folder ID of the Google Drive Folder to which you want to clone.
  • OWNER_ID : The Telegram user ID (not username) of the owner of the bot (if you do not have that, send /id to @kelverbot )
  • AUTHORISED_USERS : The Telegram user IDs (not username) of people you wish to allow for bot access.It can also be group chat id. Write like: [123456, 4030394, -1003823820]
  • IS_TEAM_DRIVE : (Optional field) Set to True if GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID is from a Team Drive else False or Leave it empty.
  • USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS: (Optional field) (Leave empty if unsure) Whether to use service accounts or not. For this to work see "Using service accounts" section below.
  • INDEX_URL : (Optional field) Refer to Bhadoo Index The URL should not have any trailing '/'
  • ACCOUNTS_ZIP_URL :Only if you want to load your Service Account externally from an Index Link. Archive the accounts folder to a zip file. Fill this with the direct link of that file.
  • TOKEN_PICKLE_URL :Only if you want to load your token.pickle externally from an Index Link. Fill this with the direct link of that file. If you don't know how to create token.pickle

Getting Google OAuth API credential file

  • Visit the Google Cloud Console
  • Go to the OAuth Consent tab, fill it, and save.
  • Go to the Credentials tab and click Create Credentials -> OAuth Client ID
  • Choose Other and Create.
  • Use the download button to download your credentials.
  • Move that file to the root of clone-bot, and rename it to credentials.json
  • Visit Google API page
  • Search for Drive and enable it if it is disabled
  • Finally, run the script to generate token file (token.pickle) for Google Drive:
pip install google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib


To run this bot (locally) (suggested)

python3 -m bot

Deploying to Heroku (Optional) (Not Suitable for very big Clones!)


Please know that after using this button, your work isn't done.Either you must load token.pckle and account folder using URL or You gotta connect heroku app to your repo and add credentials.json and token.pickle and if you use Service accounts upload account folder to the repo and click on manual deploy.

Tip: Instead of using Termux or local machine, use, atleast it won't throw any errors in installing Python requirements. From you could push to a private GitHub repo and attach that to Heroku.

Using service accounts for uploading to avoid user rate limit

For Service Account to work, you must set USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS=True in config file or environment variables Many thanks to AutoRClone for the scripts

Generating service accounts

Step 1. Generate service accounts What is service account

Let us create only the service accounts that we need. Warning: abuse of this feature is not the aim of autorclone and we do NOT recommend that you make a lot of projects, just one project and 100 sa allow you plenty of use, its also possible that overabuse might get your projects banned by google.

Note: 1 service account can copy around 750gb a day, 1 project makes 100 service accounts so thats 75tb a day, for most users this should easily suffice. 

python3 --quick-setup 1 --new-only

A folder named accounts will be created which will contain keys for the service accounts created

NOTE: If you have created SAs in past from this script, you can also just re download the keys by running:

python3 --download-keys project_id

Add all the service accounts to the Team Drive or folder

  • Run:
python3 -d SharedTeamDriveSrcID




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  • Python 98.7%
  • Other 1.3%