Welcome to the GitHub repository of the Coastal Storm Modelling System
To export the cosmos environment to a yml file:
conda activate cosmos
conda env export --no-builds -f cosmos_environment.yml
To create the cosmos_environment.yml somewhere else:
conda env create -f cosmos_environment.yml
To build the CoSMoS package, open Anaconda Powershell.
To make sure you have the latest version of build:
py -m pip install --upgrade build
and to build the package, e.g.:
cd d:\checkouts\github\CoSMoS
py -m build
Upload to Pypi with:
cd d:\checkouts\github\CoSMoS
py -m pip install --upgrade twine
py -m twine upload dist/*
For an editable package, make the package with e.g.:
cd d:\checkouts\github\CoSMoS
pip install -e .
or something like:
pip install -e d:\checkouts\github\CoSMoS
Steps to install including CoSMoS environment: Install packages:
1) Make local Git clone of https://github.com/Deltares/CoSMoS, e.g. in d:\repos\CoSMoS\
2) Open Miniconda3 (anaconda prompt)
3) Cd d:\repos\CoSMoS\
4) conda env create -f cosmos_environment.yml
5) pip install -e d:\repos\CoSMoS\
6) conda activate cosmos