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Personalized cancer vaccine design through 3D modelling boosted geometric learning.


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Personalized cancer vaccine design through 3D modelling boosted geometric learning (3D-Vac)

Welcome to the repository for the collaborative project "Personalized Cancer Vaccine Design through 3D Modelling Boosted Geometric Learning," a joint effort between the eScience Center and Radboudumc, as part of the OEC 2021 initiative.

This repository hosts the code utilized in executing the experiments outlined in the paper "Improving Generalizability for MHC-I Binding Peptide Predictions through Structure-Based Geometric Deep Learning", available as a pre-print here.


Key Notes

  • The 3D pMHC-I models were generated using the PANDORA package.
  • The DeepRank and DeepRank2 packages were utilized for the implementation and execution of the CNN and GNN models, respectively.
  • The data used for this study is available here.

Feel free to explore and utilize the resources provided within this repository. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Table of contents

How to run the pipeline

Within the src/ directory, you can find organized folders labeled by step numbers (e.g., 1, 2, etc.). Each of these folders contains both .py and .sh scripts. The key scripts intended for submission to the job scheduler are the numbered .sh scripts (e.g., These scripts orchestrate the execution of the corresponding .py scripts, tailored for specific experiments or modes. In cases where multiple scripts share the same number, they pertain to the same job but cater to different experiments or modes.

For optimal performance, we recommend utilizing adequate resources, preferably GPUs, for running these experiments effectively. Furthermore, the .sh scripts provided are designed for working with a SLURM workload manager.

Note that you will need to change all the paths in the scripts with your data's paths.


DB1 contains pMHC-I peptide sequences, MHC allele names and their experimental binding affinities (BAs). These data are input of PANDORA. It contains TBD data points, quantitative measurements only, from MHCFlurry 2.0 S3 dataset. DB1 can be found TBD. The scripts for generating DB1 can be found in src/1_build_db1/.

  • First prepare the binding affinity target: sbatch
  • Then generate the dataset: sbatch
  • You can perform data clustering with for the peptides and with get_mhci_alleles_clusters.ipynb for the MHC alleles. Note that we included only the alleles' clustering experiments only in the paper. For the peptides clustering, run: python cluster_peptides --file BA_pMHCI.csv --clusters 10.
    • Inputs: generated DB1 in data/external/processed.
    • Output: a .pkl file in data/external/processed containing the clusters.
    • Run python cluster_peptides --help for more details on which matrix to use and have info on the format of the pkl file.


DB2 contains structural 3D models for the pMHC complexes in DB1. These data are output of PANDORA. It contains TBD PDB models, output of PANDORA. DB2 can be found TBD. The scripts for generating DB2 can be found in src/2_build_db2/.

  • To build DB2, run: sbatch
    • It takes care of checking which models are missing, distributing computations accross the nodes and cleaning the incomplete outputs at the end. is implicitly called and it's the actual script taking care of the modelling. To change specific modelling options, like anchors restraints standard deviation, number of models, C domain etc., modify this script.
    • More details about the ouput folder structure can be found here.


DB3 contains the selected 3D models and their PSSMs. Note that PSSM features have not been used in the final version of the project, but you can find details about how to compute them here. It contains TBD PDB models, output of PANDORA (best model only for each data point). DB3 can be found on TBD. The scripts for generating DB3 can be found in src/3_build_db3/.

Selecting the PANDORA-generated 3D-models

  • For selecting the PANDORA-generated 3D-models, run: sbatch
    • PANDORA generates 20 PDB structures per cases. They are ranked based on the global energy of the complex. The first 5 PDB in this ranking contain the most plausible structures.
    • For now, only the first structure is being used. The script is written in a way that it will be possible to select more than 1 structure in the future.
    • Run python --help for more information on how the script works.

Aligning structures

  • For aligning the structures, run: sbatch
    • It aligns every structures to one template.
    • Add --help to see additional information.


DB4 is the collection of HDF5 files with 3D-grids or graphs containing the featurized complexes. DB3 and DB2 are used the generation of DB4. It contains TBD data points, for both 3D-grids and graphs.


DeepRank software package was used for generating and featurizing 3D-grids. Please refer to deeprank documentation for in-depth details about how to install the package, and its classes/methods used parameters. The 3D-grids HDF5 files generated via DeepRank can be found TBD. The scripts for processing the PDB files of the pMHC complexes into 3D-grids can be found in src/4_build_db4/DeepRank.

  • First populate the features_input_folder, by running: sbatch
    • The way DeepRank feature generator works for now requires all PSSM and PDB files to be in the same folder. This script creates symlinks for every db2_selected_models PSSM and PDB files into the feature_input_folder.
    • Run python --help for more information
  • Then, after having successfully installed DeepRank, you can generate the 3D-grids and store them into HDF5 files by running: sbatch
    • Note that the path to the CSV with the targets needs to be changed in, line 15.
    • In src/4_build_db4/DeepRank you can find features not present in DeepRank (, which were added to DB4 (3D-grids) as well.


DeepRank2 software package was used for generating and featurizing graphs. Please refer to deeprank2 documentation for in-depth details about how to install the package, and its classes/methods used parameters. The graphs HDF5 files generated via DeepRank2 can be found TDB. The scripts for processing the PDB files of the pMHC complexes into graphs can be found in src/4_build_db4/DeepRank2.

  • After having successfully installed DeepRank2, you can generate the graphs and store them into HDF5 files by running: sbatch All the parameters are set at the beginning of
  • For adding targets into the generated HDF5 files (e.g., alleles' clusters) reading them in from CSV files, you can run: sbatch
  • For more details about the other scripts in the folder, see here.


Sequence-based methods

  • To perform 10 fold cross-validated MLP training on shuffled and clustered dataset, run: python src/5_train_models/seq/ -o mlp_test.
    • Add --help for more info.
    • Add --cluster for clustered dataset.

Please refer to the official MHCFlurry repository for re-training it with DB1.

Structure-based methods


DeepRank software package was used for this scope. Please refer to deeprank documentation for in-depth details about how to install the package, and its classes/methods used parameters. The training and testing data are the ones described in the DB4, 3D-grids section. The pre-trained CNN model and the outputs can be found TBD. The scripts for training the CNN can be found in src/5_train_models/str/DeepRank.

  • First split DB4 (the 3D-grids) into train, validation and test 10 times for shuffled and clustered CNN dataset: sbatch
    • To generate the clustered dataset, add --cluster argument.
    • Add --help for more information.
  • Then you can train the CNN on shuffled, peptide-clustered and allele-clustered sets by running: sbatch
    • Note that we included only the alleles' clustering experiments only in the paper.
    • The architecture used in the paper is the one described by the class CnnClass4ConvKS3Lin128ChannExpand in
  • Generate metrics for the best CNN model with: sbatch
    • This script runs, which is a custom made script had to be written to obtain metrics from DeepRank's best model.
    • This step generates metrics on test dataset (clustered and shuffled) from the best model.
    • Add --help for more info.
    • Add --cluster to generate metrics for the clustered model

DeepRank2 software package was used for this scope. Please refer to deeprank2 documentation for in-depth details about how to install the package, and its classes/methods used parameters. The training and testing data are the ones described in the DB4, graphs section. The pre-trained GNN model and the outputs can be found TBD. The scripts for training the CNN can be found in src/5_train_models/str/DeepRank2.

  • For training and testing one of the data configurations, and for generating the metrics edit and run sbatch script.
    • The HDF5 files containing the data used for training (and testing) refer to the ones generated with the scripts in src/4_build_db4/DeepRank2/.
    • file contains PyTorch-defined GNN architectures. The architecture used in the paper is the one described by the class NaiveGNN1 in
    • A summary of the datasets' splits is saved in summary_data.hdf5, as well as the trained model (model.pth.tar) and the results (e.g., predictions, losses, see HDF5OutputExporter(output_path)).
    • A master experiments' file is also updated by appending the main paths and results for an individual experiment (exp_basepath + '_experiments_log.xlsx).

For the EGNN and the 3D-SSL methods, PyTorch and PyTorch Geometric software packages were used. Please refer to their documentation for in-depth details about how to install the packages, and their classes/methods used parameters. The scripts for training both the EGNN and the 3D-SSL can be found in src/5_train_models/str/PyTorch.


The training data, the pre-trained EGNN model and the outputs can be found TBD.

  • Install and activate the conda env from env.yml.
  • Make sure that the processed data is extracted in the directory.
  • Run train.pyto run the supervised training.

The training data, the pre-trained 3D-SSL model and the outputs can be found TBD.

  • Install and activate the conda env from env.yml.
  • Make sure that the processed data is extracted in the directory.
  • Run train_ssl.pyto run the supervised training.

Test case

We compared one of our structure-based methods, the GNN, to two SOTA software on a real-case scenario: an HBV vaccine design study. The scripts for featurize the sequences and test our pre-trained GNN can be found in src/6_test_cases.

  • for generating the PDB files.
  • for processing the PDB files into featurized graphs, running the pre-trained GNN on the generated data, and making predictions.


The folder src/exploration contains scripts for exploring data used in the 3D-Vac project's experiments.

  • data_metafeatures_exploration.ipynb: general exploration of the data used in the experiments (~100000 data points) from the point of view of targets, peptides' length, alleles, and clusters distribution.
  • data_overview.ipynb: for plotting piecharts of the binders/non-binders for pMHC-I and pMHC-II data (from MHCflurry 2.0 and NetMHCIIpan 4.0, respectively).
  • DeepRank2 folder
    • exp_visualization.ipynb: notebook for exploring and plotting deeprank2 GNNs/CNNs' results (e.g., loss vs epochs, AUC, MCC), for a single experiment.
    • exps_comparison.ipynb: notebook for comparing multiple deeprank2 experiments in terms of loss curves and metrics (e.g., AUC).
  • DeepRank folder
    • explore_auc_per_allele.ipynb: notebook for exploring models performance (AUC) per each allele in the allele-clustered test set. Also plots barplots for the paper's Figures 2, 3 and Suppl. Fig. 1.
    • for collecting in a csv the CNN outputs on the test sets for metrics evaluation.
  • deeprank_deeprank2_comparison.ipynb: notebook for comparing deeprank and deeprank2 experiments with sequence-based methods (i.e., re-trained MHCFlurry and MLP).
  • dendrograms.ipynb: for plotting the dendrograms for the paper's Figure 1 (B, C and D), showing the allelele pseudosequence clustering and the train/test separation.
  • get_paper_csvs.ipynb: for collecting the training data, test data and models outputs into csvs for the zenodo data release (TBD).


Personalized cancer vaccine design through 3D modelling boosted geometric learning.







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