Welcome to the DecksterJS GitHub Repo!
DecksterJS is a jQuery plugin that uses gridster.js under the hood to allow a user to quickly bootstrap interactive dashboards.
Think of Deckster as a deck of cards. The deck is the dashboard and the widgets on the dashboard are the cards. Just like a deck of cards you can shuffle the cards around in the deck by dragging or resizing them.
See instructions for AngularJS apps in the wiki.
- Install Node.js if not already
brew install nodejs
(if on a Mac with Homebrew) See the Node.js website for direct installation. - Install bower and gulp
npm install -g bower gulp-cli
- Git clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/DecksterTeam/DecksterJS.git
- Install sass and compass
gem install sass compass
- install dependencies listed in bower.json and package.json files
bower install && npm install
Run default gulp task by running gulp
in the terminal.
Each commit should be prefixed with either feat(x), fix(x), or chore(x), where x is the main file that has been edited. This is so that these updates will be added in the correct format to the CHANGELOG.md file.
- feat(x) = added a new feature to x
- fix(x) = fixed a bug with x
- chore(x) = completed miscellaneous task related to x
Example commit message: "feat(card): allow user to define popout url"