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Decentralized Identity Management System

A decentralized application (DApp) built on Ethereum blockchain for managing user identities securely and transparently. This project demonstrates how to register, update, and retrieve user identities using a smart contract.


  • Register Identity: Users can register their identity with a name and email address.
  • Update Identity: Registered users can update their identity details.
  • Fetch Identity: Retrieve identity details by user address.
  • Fetch All Users: List all registered users.
  • Fetch All Identities: Retrieve all registered identities.
  • Blockchain Technology: All operations are decentralized, transparent, and immutable.

Table of Contents

  1. Technologies Used
  2. Setup Instructions
  3. Smart Contract
  4. Tests
  5. Frontend Integration
  6. Future Enhancements
  7. License

Technologies Used

  • Ethereum Blockchain: Provides a decentralized ledger for all transactions.
  • Solidity: Used for writing the smart contract logic.
  • Truffle: Framework for smart contract deployment, testing, and development.
  • Ganache: Local blockchain for testing and development.
  • MetaMask: Wallet for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Infura: Ethereum node provider for connecting to the Sepolia Testnet.
  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime for backend development.
  • JavaScript: For writing tests and integrating the frontend.

Setup Instructions


Before starting, ensure you have the following installed:

  1. Node.js: Download Node.js.
  2. Truffle: Install globally:
    npm install -g truffle
  3. Ganache: Download Ganache for local blockchain testing.
  4. MetaMask: Install the MetaMask browser extension.

Clone the Repository

Clone this project to your local machine:

git clone
cd decentralized-identity-management-system

Install Dependencies

Run the following command to install required dependencies:

npm install

Setup Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following content:

MNEMONIC="your twelve word MetaMask seed phrase"

Deploy the Contract

Using Ganache (Local Blockchain)

  1. Open Ganache and configure it with MetaMask as a custom RPC network:
    • Network Name: Ganache
    • RPC URL:
    • Chain ID: 5777
  2. Deploy the contract locally:
    truffle migrate --network development
  3. Note the deployed contract address from the output.

Using Sepolia Testnet

  1. Fund your wallet with Sepolia test ETH using a faucet.
  2. Deploy the contract to Sepolia:
truffle migrate --network sepolia
  1. Note the deployed contract address from the output.

Smart Contract

The core functionality is implemented in the smart contract: contracts/IdentityManager.sol.


  • registerIdentity: Allows users to register with a name and email address.
  • updateIdentity: Enables users to update their details.
  • getIdentity: Fetches the identity of a specific user by their Ethereum address.
  • getAllUsers: Returns a list of all registered users' addresses.
  • getAllIdentities: Retrieves the details of all registered identities.


Running Tests

To verify the functionality of the smart contract, run the following command:

truffle test

Test Cases

The included test suite validates:


  • Ensures the contract is deployed successfully.

Identity Registration

  • Users can register with valid details.
  • Duplicate registrations are not allowed.

Identity Update

  • Registered users can update their details.
  • Updates are rejected for unregistered users.

Identity Retrieval

  • Fetches identity details accurately.
  • Throws an error for unregistered addresses.

Fetching All Users and Identities

  • Returns all registered users and their details.
  • Handles empty cases gracefully.

Frontend Integration

Web3.js Setup

Install Web3.js

npm install web3

Frontend Features

  • Registration Form: Collects name and email, and calls registerIdentity.
  • Update Form: Updates registered details using updateIdentity.
  • User List: Fetches and displays all registered users using getAllUsers.
  • Identity Details: Fetches and displays individual identity details with getIdentity.

Future Enhancements

  • Decentralized File Storage: Use IPFS for storing additional identity metadata.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Add roles for admin and users to restrict access to certain operations.
  • ENS (Ethereum Name Service) Integration: Allow users to link their Ethereum addresses to human-readable names.
  • Mobile DApp: Develop a mobile application for managing identities on the go.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


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