JavaSpaces, as an implementation of Space-Based architecture (tuple spaces) is a very powerful computing paradigm. Blitz ( provides a performant, persistent implementation of the JavaSpaces API, which is much more suitable for enterprise-grade use than the (in-memory only) reference implementation, Outrigger.
The Rio Project ( is an open source technology that provides a dynamic architecture for developing, deploying and managing distributed systems composed of services.
Blitz Javaspaces is historically built, installed, and configured manually (built with apache ant + manual dependency management, manually installed, configured via Jini configuration files).
This project is a re-packaging of the Blitz project to build with Maven (suitable for deployment to the maven repo of your choice), and provides samples of how to dynamically provision Blitz instances as "first class" services in Rio. It is now easy to provision a reliable, persistent JavaSpace with Rio.
- Required software: Apache Maven (3.0+ recommended), Java (JDK) 1.7+, Rio 5.0-M1+
- To build artifacts and install in local maven repo, run
mvn install
- To run the integration tests (deploys to Rio, needs RIO_HOME set) run
mvn verify
- See sample deployment opstring for provisioning a Blitz instance with Rio
- See [Blitz Configuration] ( for configuration options