Website to visualize the harmonic series given audio input from the user
I was recently learning about the Harmonic Series - a series produces whenever there is a sound produced by a string or by air (including nature. When a tone is produced (e.g. we hit a string in a guitar), the resulting sound is not just the tone intended, but it is a series of tones that create a harmony.
A longer and better explanation can be found on
To avoid confusion (mainly my own), I'm adding a glossary of musical terms used in the project:
A steady periodic sound. A musical tone is characterized by its duration, pitch, intensity, and timbre
A symbol denoting a musical sound (tone)
In music, the frequency dictates the pitch - frequency being directly proportional to the pitch of the tone we hear (high frequency, high tone)
Created using create-react-app + typescript as a starter. Besides that, I'm using the Web Audio API and Tone.js (library for Web Audio API). Eventually I want to use exclusively Tone.js (see the Projects tab)
Trying to keep it as light as possible
npm run deploy