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Releases: Dateranoth/ConanExilesServerUtility

Conan Exiles Server Utility V3.3.0-beta.3

24 Jun 14:55
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Added the ability to pick individual days for restart.

Adds notification of restart when using remote restart.

*Fixed Typo in Day Check*
*Corrected comparison logic for restart check*

To Choose Days

  • Type in the day 1-7 comma separated.
  • 0 is for restarting every day. Or you could type out 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  • 1-7 correspond to days of the week Sunday-Saturday.

To Choose Hours

  • Type in the hours 00-23 comma separated.
  • Hours apply to all days.

To Choose Minute

  • Type in the minute.
  • Same minute applies to all days and hours.



The server would restart at 10:05am and 11:05pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Virus Total Scans

Remote Restart Utility

No Updates in this release.

Conan Exiles Server Utility V3.2.3

10 Jun 19:11
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Adds continuous check for Entry Point Error Window if SteamFix is enabled.

V3.2 Info

Execute External Script
Added option to run external script before starting server

If enabled this will run an executable of your choosing directly before the server is updated or started.

  • ExecuteExternalScript
    • yes to enable
  • ExternalScriptDir
    • This is the folder location of the file you want to run before the server starts. NO TRAILING SLASH
  • ExternalScriptName
    • This is the name.extension of the file you want to run.

Sample INI Settings:

[Execute External Script Before Server Start? yes/no]


Remote Restart Utility

No Updates in this release.

Conan Exiles Server Utility V3.1.1

17 May 22:23
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Fixed variable not declared bug

RCON Support

Added RCON INI settings and RCON Notifications

RCON must be enabled on server for notifications to work

  • EnableRCON
    • Set to yes to enable RCON on Server
  • RCONPassword
    • Set your unique password to protect RCON access
  • RCONPort
    • Set to the port you would like to use for RCON
[Server RCON Settings]

MCRCON Is required to send RCON Notifications

  • use_mcrcon
    • Set to yes to Use MCRCON to send message to players via RCON
  • mcrconPath
    • Set to path of MCRCON.exe ( No Trailing Slashes. Will be automatically downloaded if it does not exist )
  • mcrconTimeBeforeRestart
    • Time in Minutes that the first announcement is sent to the Players before Server Restart. If you also use Discord or Twitch, the setting with the HIGHEST notification time will be used.
[Use MCRCON to Send Message to Players before Restart? yes/no]

Remote Restart Utility

No Updates in this release.

Conan Exiles Server Utility V3.0.0

25 Apr 02:47
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Request Restart From Browser

You can now send restart commands from any Web Browser

Restart commands are now expecting HTTP headers, and can be sent to the server from a web browser using the format http://IP:PORT?restart=user_pass. The utility will respond if the password is accepted or not. There is also a limit for max password attempts. After 15 tries in 10 minutes the requesting IP will be locked out for 10 minutes.

404 Responses will be sent if the RestartKey does not match or the header is incorrect. You can enable Debugging for a full output to the log what is being received by the server if you have any trouble.

These Are the Allowed Characters in the RestartCode (Password)

New Settings in INI

[Remote Restart Request Key http://IP:Port?KEY=user_pass]

[Enable Debug to Output More Log Detail? yes/no]

Begin Usage Example===>

[Game Server IP]
[Use Remote Restart ?yes/no]
[Remote Restart Port]
[Remote Restart Request Key http://IP:Port?KEY=user_pass]
[Remote Restart Password]

In a standard web browser I would type in the URL
The Server would compare the pass and find that it is correct. It would respond with 200 OK
And HTML Code stating the server is restarting.

<===End Usage Example

Remote Restart Utility

No Longer Required for Remote Restart

Updated to Use HTTP Headers and Receive Response from Server

New INI Setting has been added for RestartKey. Please backup and delete your old INI before using.

Conan Exiles Server Utility V2.16.0

17 May 02:40
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Extra Startup Commands

Adds the ability to enter extra startup commands when starting the server

If you need to add any extra commands to the startup of the server you can enter them in the INI file. They will be passed to the server and logged to the scripts log file. Leave blank with no white space if not using.

[Extra Command Line Options. Leave Blank if Not Using]

Remote Restart Utility

No Updates in this release.

Conan Exiles Server Utility V2.15.1

13 Jul 21:46
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Server Password Bug Fix

Corrects server asking for password when no password is entered

This release corrects a bug with the script that was introduced with the last Conan Exiles update. Even with the password field blank, a password would show on the server. This was due to the server seeing a password if -ServerPassword= was in the command line at all, even if it was blank. I have removed this as well as -AdminPassword= from the command line. These were already being changed in the Conan Server INI, and they will continue to be written there.

Remote Restart Utility

No Updates in this release.

Conan Exiles Server Utility V2.15.0

28 Jun 22:35
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Sort Mods in Specific Order

This release will make sure the mods you add are automatically sorted in modlist.txt the order you list them in the INI.

I want to install mod ID 12345678 (conanstuff) & mod ID 87654321 (moreconanstuff) in order of moreconanstuff, conanstuff.

In the INI I fill out:


The script will automatically update modlist.txt with:


A new file will be created with this version.
DO NOT DELETE ConanServerUtility_modid2modname.ini


When you first start this version of the script you will get a warning. If you choose to continue running the script it will move CONANFOLDER\steamapps\workshop\appworkshop_440900.acf to CONANFOLDER\steamapps\workshop\appworkshop_440900.acf.bak . This will force all of your mods to download again so the ModID can be associated with the correct .PAK file name.

If you select No to exit the script it will write a file to the same directory the script is in named ConanServerUtility_modid2modname.ini . You will have to manually associate the ModID with the ModName.pak. Open the file with any text editor and use the example below for reference.

I have mod ID 1234, 4321, and 2341 installed currently. I know that 1234 is maps.pak, 4321 is swords.pak, and 2341 is stuff.pak. I need to open ConanServerUtility_modid2modname.ini and edit it like below:

[File for Matching Mod to Name]

The order in this file DOES NOT MATTER. It only matters that the mod ID is associated with the correct pak name. If you have chosen not to download all the mods again, and you do not manually update this file, the mods will be deactivated on your server. They will reactivate one by one as they get new updates, but not until then.

If you do not understand the above steps, it is much easier to just let the script download all of your mods again. If you allow the script to download the mods again, it will automatically do everything for you.

Remote Restart Utility

No Updates in this release.

Conan Exiles Server Utility V2.12.1

02 Mar 05:00
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Bug Fix for Server Password Not Working.

This works around Conan not taking server password in command line anymore by writing it directly to Engine.ini before startup if it has changed.

Install and Update Mods Automatically

This is the full release of the mod update version. Tested and functional.

For it to work, you must have CheckForUpdate=yes so that the server stays up to date as well as the mods. It will automatically download any mods you put in the list when the server first starts, move them to the Mods directory, and add them to the Mods\modlist.txt file. It will then check for updates every X minutes based on UpdateInterval=X This will be the same time the server is checked for updates. If a new update is found it will notify ( if Twitch or Discord is enabled ) then restart the server. Before the server restarts, it will download each mod that needs to be updated, move them to the Mods directory, and update the modlist.txt .

The mods WILL NOT be deleted if you only remove them from the ModList. If you wish to remove a mod, you need to shutdown the server, remove the mod manually from the Mods folder and then remove the mod # from the ModList.

Finally, if you wish to start over with new mods, you should remove all mods from the mod folder AND delete conan_exiles_server\steamapps\workshop\appworkshop_440900.acf You will also want to delete this file if you remove a mod and later decide to add it again. The script uses this file generated by Steam to track mod versions.

New Options

  • CheckForModUpdate
    • yes Will Install Mods listed below and keep them up to date. CheckForUpdate=yes Required
    • no Will Disable Mod Updates
  • ModList
    • #########, ######### Comma Separated list of mods (This is the Mod ID #) to install and keep up to date.
[Install Mods and Check for Update? yes/no]

Remote Restart Utility

No Updates in this release.

Conan Exiles Server Utility V2.12.0

02 Mar 03:17
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Install and Update Mods Automatically

This is the full release of the mod update version. Tested and functional.

For it to work, you must have CheckForUpdate=yes so that the server stays up to date as well as the mods. It will automatically download any mods you put in the list when the server first starts, move them to the Mods directory, and add them to the Mods\modlist.txt file. It will then check for updates every X minutes based on UpdateInterval=X This will be the same time the server is checked for updates. If a new update is found it will notify ( if Twitch or Discord is enabled ) then restart the server. Before the server restarts, it will download each mod that needs to be updated, move them to the Mods directory, and update the modlist.txt .

The mods WILL NOT be deleted if you only remove them from the ModList. If you wish to remove a mod, you need to shutdown the server, remove the mod manually from the Mods folder and then remove the mod # from the ModList.

Finally, if you wish to start over with new mods, you should remove all mods from the mod folder AND delete conan_exiles_server\steamapps\workshop\appworkshop_440900.acf You will also want to delete this file if you remove a mod and later decide to add it again. The script uses this file generated by Steam to track mod versions.

New Options

  • CheckForModUpdate
    • yes Will Install Mods listed below and keep them up to date. CheckForUpdate=yes Required
    • no Will Disable Mod Updates
  • ModList
    • #########, ######### Comma Separated list of mods (This is the Mod ID #) to install and keep up to date.
[Install Mods and Check for Update? yes/no]

Remote Restart Utility

No Updates in this release.

Conan Exiles Server Utility V2.11.0

27 Feb 19:31
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Schedule Player Owned Structures Damage and Schedule when Avatars Disabled with Automatic Restart

This is the ready for production release. It adds the options to schedule when Player Owned Structures can be damaged, and separately when Avatars should be disabled.

New Options

  • EnableBuildingDamageSchedule
    • yes will turn on scheduling of Building Damage and automatically restart when changing state
    • no will leave setting at whatever state it was in on last run.
  • BuildingDmgEnabledSchedule
    • This is an array that will determine when player owned buildings CAN BE DAMAGED
    • Format is WDAY-HHMMtoWDAY-HHMM
      • WDAY = 0 - 7, 0 is Everyday, 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday
      • HHMM = 0000 - 2359
      • Example: To Enable Building Damage Friday Night at 06:00 to Saturday Morning at 10:00
        • BuildingDmgEnabledSchedule=6-0600to7-1000
      • Example: To Enable Building Damage Monday 11:50 to 17:00 and Tuesday 11:50 to 17:00
        • BuildingDmgEnabledSchedule=2-1150to2-1700,3-1150to3-1700
      • Example: To Enable Building Damage Everyday except Friday
        • BuildingDmgEnabledSchedule=7-0000to5-2359
      • Example: To Enable Building Damage Everyday Between 0500 and 1000
        • BuildingDmgEnabledSchedule=0-0500to0-1000
          • For this to work both start and stop day must be 0. If one is 0 and the other is not, it will log the issue and the schedule will not work properly
  • FlipBuildingDmgSchedule
    • yes Will Disable building damage during scheduled times
      • This is the opposite of what is listed in the above examples
    • no Will Enable building damage during scheduled times
  • EnableAvatarSchedule
    • yes will turn on scheduling of Avatars and automatically restart when changing state
    • no will leave setting at whatever state it was in on last run.
  • AvatarsDisabledSchedule
    • This is an array that will determine when Avatars ARE DISABLED
    • Format is WDAY-HHMMtoWDAY-HHMM
      • WDAY = 0 - 7, 0 is Everyday, 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday
      • HHMM = 0000 - 2359
      • Example: To Disable Avatars Friday Night at 06:00 to Saturday Morning at 10:00
        • AvatarsDisabledSchedule=6-0600to7-1000
      • Example: To Disable Avatars Monday 11:50 to 17:00 and Tuesday 11:50 to 17:00
        • AvatarsDisabledSchedule=2-1150to2-1700,3-1150to3-1700
      • Example: To Disable Avatars Everyday except Friday
        • AvatarsDisabledSchedule=7-0000to5-2359
      • Example: To Disable Avatars Everyday Between 0500 and 1000
        • AvatarsDisabledSchedule=0-0500to0-1000
          • For this to work both start and stop day must be 0. If one is 0 and the other is not, it will log the issue and the schedule will not work properly
  • FlipAvatarSchedule
    • yes Will Enable Avatars during scheduled times
      • This is the opposite of what is listed in the above examples
    • no Will Disable Avatars during scheduled times
  • IniOverwriteFix
    • yes Will move defaultserversettings.ini missing values to serversettings.ini then backup and delete defaultserversettings.ini
    • no Will disable this option. SCHEDULES MAY NOT WORK WITH THIS DISABLED
[Enable Building Damage by Scheduled Time? yes/no]
[Disable Avatars by Scheduled Time? yes/no]
[Bug Fix - Copy from then Delete Default Server Settings INI? yes/no]

General Information

These settings will be honored whether the server was online when the schedule started or not. If you start the server 10 minutes before a schedule ends, it WILL enable/disable the setting on startup and then Restart the server at the end of the schedule to switch it back.

If you are using Discord or Twitch for announcements, this will delay the start and stop times of your schedule by the length of the announcement. If you have the start time set for 0500 and a Time Before restart of 5 minutes, then it will announce the intent to restart at 0500 and will restart at 0505 with the setting enabled or disabled depending on the schedule.

Finally, Daily and Update Restarts do not care what is going on with the schedule. If an update comes out 30 minutes before a schedule starts, the server will reboot to update, and then reboot again to change the setting during the scheduled time. For updates, this is obviously necessary, but you should be very careful setting Daily Restarts too close to scheduled enable/ disable times unless you want multiple restarts close together.

Important Information About this Release

If IniOverwriteFix=yes
The first time this is ran and a server is not running it will copy all missing settings from DefaultServerSettings.ini to ServerSettings.ini NO CURRENT SETTINGS ARE OVERWRITTEN . A backup will be created of both files and the DefaultServerSettings.ini will be deleted. This is necessary to prevent problems with settings in the default INI conflicting and often overwriting the normal settings. This will not hurt your game, and a backup will be available in the ConanSandbox\Config directory if you need it.

If IniOverwriteFix=no
Schedules may or may not work, and it is possible that your server will be stuck in a restart loop. It is suggested that you leave this set to yes

This release also writes the AdminPassword to the ServerSettings.ini if it changed since the last start. Which should allow you to set it from my script again.

Remote Restart Utility

No Updates in this release.