Conan Exiles Server Utility V2.11.0
Schedule Player Owned Structures Damage and Schedule when Avatars Disabled with Automatic Restart
This is the ready for production release. It adds the options to schedule when Player Owned Structures can be damaged, and separately when Avatars should be disabled.
New Options
- EnableBuildingDamageSchedule
will turn on scheduling of Building Damage and automatically restart when changing stateno
will leave setting at whatever state it was in on last run.
- BuildingDmgEnabledSchedule
- This is an array that will determine when player owned buildings CAN BE DAMAGED
- Format is
WDAY = 0 - 7, 0 is Everyday, 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday
HHMM = 0000 - 2359
- Example: To Enable Building Damage Friday Night at 06:00 to Saturday Morning at 10:00
- Example: To Enable Building Damage Monday 11:50 to 17:00 and Tuesday 11:50 to 17:00
- Example: To Enable Building Damage Everyday except Friday
- Example: To Enable Building Damage Everyday Between 0500 and 1000
- For this to work both start and stop day must be 0. If one is 0 and the other is not, it will log the issue and the schedule will not work properly
- FlipBuildingDmgSchedule
Will Disable building damage during scheduled times- This is the opposite of what is listed in the above examples
Will Enable building damage during scheduled times
- EnableAvatarSchedule
will turn on scheduling of Avatars and automatically restart when changing stateno
will leave setting at whatever state it was in on last run.
- AvatarsDisabledSchedule
- This is an array that will determine when Avatars ARE DISABLED
- Format is
WDAY = 0 - 7, 0 is Everyday, 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday
HHMM = 0000 - 2359
- Example: To Disable Avatars Friday Night at 06:00 to Saturday Morning at 10:00
- Example: To Disable Avatars Monday 11:50 to 17:00 and Tuesday 11:50 to 17:00
- Example: To Disable Avatars Everyday except Friday
- Example: To Disable Avatars Everyday Between 0500 and 1000
- For this to work both start and stop day must be 0. If one is 0 and the other is not, it will log the issue and the schedule will not work properly
- FlipAvatarSchedule
Will Enable Avatars during scheduled times- This is the opposite of what is listed in the above examples
Will Disable Avatars during scheduled times
- IniOverwriteFix
Will move defaultserversettings.ini missing values to serversettings.ini then backup and delete defaultserversettings.inino
[Enable Building Damage by Scheduled Time? yes/no]
[Disable Avatars by Scheduled Time? yes/no]
[Bug Fix - Copy from then Delete Default Server Settings INI? yes/no]
General Information
These settings will be honored whether the server was online when the schedule started or not. If you start the server 10 minutes before a schedule ends, it WILL enable/disable the setting on startup and then Restart the server at the end of the schedule to switch it back.
If you are using Discord or Twitch for announcements, this will delay the start and stop times of your schedule by the length of the announcement. If you have the start time set for 0500 and a Time Before restart of 5 minutes, then it will announce the intent to restart at 0500 and will restart at 0505 with the setting enabled or disabled depending on the schedule.
Finally, Daily and Update Restarts do not care what is going on with the schedule. If an update comes out 30 minutes before a schedule starts, the server will reboot to update, and then reboot again to change the setting during the scheduled time. For updates, this is obviously necessary, but you should be very careful setting Daily Restarts too close to scheduled enable/ disable times unless you want multiple restarts close together.
Important Information About this Release
If IniOverwriteFix=yes
The first time this is ran and a server is not running it will copy all missing settings from DefaultServerSettings.ini to ServerSettings.ini NO CURRENT SETTINGS ARE OVERWRITTEN . A backup will be created of both files and the DefaultServerSettings.ini will be deleted. This is necessary to prevent problems with settings in the default INI conflicting and often overwriting the normal settings. This will not hurt your game, and a backup will be available in the ConanSandbox\Config directory if you need it.
If IniOverwriteFix=no
Schedules may or may not work, and it is possible that your server will be stuck in a restart loop. It is suggested that you leave this set to yes
This release also writes the AdminPassword to the ServerSettings.ini if it changed since the last start. Which should allow you to set it from my script again.
Remote Restart Utility
No Updates in this release.