- by Riccardo Spott
Spott, Riccardo, & Brandt, Christian. (2020, October 27). SGT-Analyser: A tool to automatically analyse antibiotic-synergism via bacterial growth-curves (checkerboards) (Version v0.10.0). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4139379
The SGT-Analyser is an tool for the automated analysis of growth-curves of, in an checkerboard-style treated bacteria. The goal is to determine synergistic, additional or antagonistic effects between the two applied antibiotics. For this the so called "Start Growth Time"-method is used.
You can use this program either in Google Colab or in your terminal. The use via Google Colab is suited for non-informaticians and provides a graphical interface to interact with. To use the terminal-variant some informatical knowledge is required to setup the modules and use the flags. Further you will need an Excel-file with the data of your growth curves
In the following is described how to use either of this options.
- use the link "Open in Colab"
- You will be directed to a Google Colab-site, where the program is setup
- start each block after the preceding, following the instrcutions given at the site
For the use of SGT-Analyser in your terminal there are two options.
1. Setup on your own system:
- clone this git-repository to your computer using the command
git clone https://github.com/DataSpott/SGT-Analysis.git
- if not already installed use the following command to install pip for python3 in your terminal
sudo apt install python3-pip
- use the following command to set up the necessary python-modules
pip3 install pandas altair xlrd altair_saver selenium scipy tabulate IPython
- to start the SGT-Analyser use the following command in the repository directory
$PWD/sgt_analyser.py --help
2. Use the docker-container:
- make sure docker is installed at your system as described under https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- use following command to pull the docker-image to your system, mount all data in the current directory to "/input" in the container and execute it
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/input dataspott/sgt_analyser:v0.9.1 sgt_analyser.py -i /input/tecan_infinite_test_data.xlsx
- to get help and see how to use the program use the following command
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/input dataspott/sgt_analyser:v0.9.1 sgt_analyser.py --help
Detailed instructions about the setup and use of "SGT-Analyser" can be found in the manual provided in this repository.