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The TorQ-TAQ Loader architecture is an extension to TorQ, which efficiently loads NYSE TAQ files using the streaming decompress algorithm with .Q.fpn.

Quick Installation

To download TorQ-TAQ, get latest installation script and download it to the directory where you want your codebase to live.


Then run the following line in the same working directory


Once this is complete, the necessary TorQ packages will be installed

├── datatemp
│   ├── filedrop
│   ├── logs
│   ├── tplogs
│   ├── wdb
│   └── wdbhdb
├── deploy
│   ├── bin
│   ├── data -> ~/datatemp
│   ├── TorQ
│   └── TorQApp
├── TorQ-4.3.0.tar.gz
└── TorQ-TAQ-1.0.0.tar.gz

Running TorQ-TAQ

To start TorQ TAQ, run the following command within your terminal:

$ ./deploy/bin/ start all
15:36:23 | Starting discovery1...
15:36:23 | Starting gateway1...
15:36:23 | Starting orchestrator1...
15:36:23 | Starting taqloader1...
15:36:24 | Starting taqloader2...
15:36:24 | Starting qmerger1...

$ ./deploy/bin/ summary
TIME      |  PROCESS        |  STATUS  |  PID    |  PORT
15:36:56  |  discovery1     |  up      |  21434  |  10610
15:36:57  |  gateway1       |  up      |  21607  |  10611
15:36:57  |  orchestrator1  |  up      |  21978  |  10612
15:36:57  |  taqloader1     |  up      |  22097  |  10613
15:36:57  |  taqloader2     |  up      |  22209  |  10614
15:36:58  |  qmerger1       |  up      |  22320  |  10615

The user must download TAQ .gz files to a directory on disk called filedrop in the upper-level TorQ directory. At this point, the orchestrator will recognise a new file exists in this filedrop directory and invoke a loader process.

Three files are currently supported: trade, quote, and national best bid offer (nbbo). These files have the form:

  • EQY_US_ALL_NBBO_YYYYMMDD.gz (National Best Bid Offer)
  • SPLITS_US_ALL_BBO_*_YYYYMMDD.gz (Best Bid Offer - 26 files per day)

Depending on if the file recognised is a trade, quote or nbbo file, the way the data is saved behaves differently.


NOTE: tempdb and hdb directories are created once a TAQ .gz file is loaded in - the paths to these directories are defined within default.q

Trade/NBBO data is laoded to the temporary HDB - tempdb, located in deploy/tempdb/final/YYYY.MM.DD/trade|nbbo/

By default, when Trade/NBBO data is loaded to the temporary HDB, it lives in the deploy/tempdb/final/YYYY.MM.DD/ directory until all data from this day has been loaded.


Quote data is loaded to deploy/tempdb/quote*/YYYY.MM.DD/quote/

It is important to note that for the quote files, there are 26 split files (A-Z) and so when quote data is loaded, it is saved in the tempdb directory but saved as a partition of the quote split file that is being loaded (quoteA, quoteB, quoteC etc.).

When the quote split file has been loaded successfully, it is merged using the merger process. This merger process merges the quote split file to the same location as the trade and/or nbbo data in deploy/tempdb/final/YYYY.MM.DD/quote. The split files do not have to be loaded in alphabetical order; i.e., split file B can be loaded and merged before split file A.

When the trade, nbbo and all 26 quote split files have been successfully loaded and merged, the orchestrator then calls the merge process to call the function which moves all of the loaded and merged data to the final hdb in its relevant date partition.

Support Functionality

Saving to HDB

We have included the manualmovetohdb function, which allows you to manually move loaded data to the HDB by calling it with [date;filetype] arguments in the orchestrator. The date argument is a date atom and the filetype argument is a symbol or a list of symbols (trade, quote, or nbbo). By default, data is moved only after all files have been successfully loaded and merged. However, this function allows you to move the data at any point in time.

Changing Table Schema

TorQ-TAQ is equipped to handle trade, quote, and national best bid offer (nbbo) files from the NYSE website, as previously noted. The functionality to customize the schema of these tables can be found in taq.q, enabling users to adjust the column names and datatypes to fit their requirements or to use a different format. This process involves modifying the dictionaries defined in maketaqparams. For example, the trade table schema from the NYSE format can be updated to load trade data from alternative sources that may have distinct columns or datatypes.

Taking the original trade data parameters from maketaqparams

    tradeparams:defaults,(!) . flip (
        (`dbdir;hdbdir);             // this parameter is defined in the top level taqloader script
        (`symdir;symdir);            // where we enumerate against
        (`dataprocessfunc;{[params;data] `sym`ticktime`exch`cond`size`price`stop`corr`sequence`cts`trf xcols delete from
        (update sym:.Q.fu[{` sv `$" " vs string x}each;sym],ticktime:params[`date]+ timeconverter[ticktime],parttime:params[`date]+ timeconverter[parttime] from data) where null ticktime});

In this example, we would be interested to change the headers to only include the following `ticktime`exch`sym`cond`size`price`parttime.

To achieve this, the following changes were made:

    tradeparams:defaults,(!) . flip (
        (`types;"JSSSIF      J");
        (`dbdir;hdbdir);             // this parameter is defined in the top level taqloader script
        (`symdir;symdir);            // where we enumerate against
        (`dataprocessfunc;{[params;data] `sym`ticktime`exch`cond`size`price xcols delete from
        (update sym:.Q.fu[{` sv `$" " vs string x}each;sym],ticktime:params[`date]+ timeconverter[ticktime],parttime:params[`date]+ timeconverter[parttime] from data) where null ticktime});

Now once trade data is decompressed and loaded, it will have the following schema:

q)meta trade
c       | t f a
--------| -----
date    | d    
sym     | s    
ticktime| p    
exch    | s    
cond    | s    
size    | i    
price   | f    
parttime| p 

To clarify, the files dropped in the filedrop directory are compared against the names listed in the runload function within the orchestrator.

    filetype: $[
        file like "*TRADE*";`trade;
        file like "*SPLITS*";`quote;
        file like "*NBBO*";`nbbo;
        [.lg.e[`fifoloader;errmsg:(string file)," is an unknown or unsupported file type"];'errmsg]];


Here we only want to load in NYSE trade data for date 2022.10.03 and manually move it to the HDB.

  1. Begin by downloading EQY_US_ALL_TRADE_20221003.gz from the NYSE website directly into your filedrop directory whilst your stacks are up


  2. After this download is complete, the orchestrator will pick up on this file and begin to decompress it within a taqloader process - an example log of this is shown below

2023.02.07D16:13:04.283306000||orchestrator|orchestrator1|INF|alerter|running filealerter process
2023.02.07D16:13:04.283375000||orchestrator|orchestrator1|INF|alerter|searching for /home/user/deploy/data/filedrop/*.gz
2023.02.07D16:13:07.537137000||orchestrator|orchestrator1|INF|alerter|found file /home/user/deploy/data/filedrop/EQY_US_ALL_TRADE_20221003.gz
2023.02.07D16:13:07.537172000||orchestrator|orchestrator1|INF|alerter|running function runload on /home/user/deploy/data/filedrop/EQY_US_ALL_TRADE_20221003.gz
2023.02.07D16:13:07.537276000||orchestrator|orchestrator1|INF|runload|Initiating loader process
2023.02.07D16:13:07.537313000||orchestrator|orchestrator1|INF|alerter|adding /home/user/deploy/data/filedrop/EQY_US_ALL_TRADE_20221003.gz to alreadyprocessed table
2023.02.07D16:13:07.537322000||orchestrator|orchestrator1|INF|alerter|saving alreadyprocessed table to disk  
  1. Once the trade file has finished loading in, we can locate it within deploy/tempdb/final/2022.10.03/trade
└── sym
└── final
    └── 2022.10.03
        └── trade
            ├── cond
            ├── corr
            ├── cts
            ├── exch
            ├── parttime
            ├── price
            ├── sequence
            ├── size
            ├── stop
            ├── sym
            ├── ticktime
            ├── tradeid
            └── trf
  1. Because we have only downloaded the trade data for this date, we would need to call the manualmovetohdb function inside the orchestrator process
q)/ connect to orchestrator process
        .lg.o[`startmovetohdb;"Moving ",(string filetype), " to hdb"]
        (neg h)(`.gw.asyncexecjpt;(`manmovetohdb;date;filetype);`qmerger;{x};..

Now the data should be moved from the tempdb to the hdb directory

├── 2022.10.03
│   └── trade
│       ├── cond
│       ├── corr
│       ├── cts
│       ├── exch
│       ├── parttime
│       ├── price
│       ├── sequence
│       ├── size
│       ├── stop
│       ├── sym
│       ├── ticktime
│       ├── tradeid
│       └── trf
└── sym
└── final
    └── 2022.10.03

An overview blog is here, further documentation is in the docs directory.