- Introduction
- Boot Camp Class Recordings
- Classes
- Week 1, Day 1
- Week 1, Day 2
- Week 2, Day 1
- References
Python is an interpreted, high-level language created by Guido van Rossum and released in 1991. It is dynamically typed and garbage collected.
Python programs have the extension .py and can be run from the command line by typing python file_name.py.
Probably its most noticeable characteristic is its use of significant white space to delimit code blocks, instead of the more popular {} symbols.
End-of-line semicolons (;) are optional and usually not used in Python.
Python becomes the best solution in many domains from web applications, data analysis, data science, machine learning, and AI.
Read more about Python 101 here at our Dev.to blog
- Watch our Introduction here on Youtube.Kindly comment if you have any queries, and like if you enjoy it. If you find the video useful, as always, you can share along with your peers.Success!
- You can also read the Introductory Class Slides here
- Watch our Week One Lesson recorded here on Youtube.Kindly comment if you have any queries, and like if you enjoy it. If you find the video useful, as always, you can share along with your peers.Success!
- You can also read the Week One Class Slides here
Week One Code Snippets are also freely available hereon Google Colab.
- Watch our Week One Lesson recorded here on Youtube.Kindly comment if you have any queries, and like if you enjoy it. If you find the video useful, as always, you can share along with your peers.Success!
Week 1 day 2 resources can be viewed at this blog
- Upon completion of your Week One Project, kindly submit via this form
- Watch our Week two Lesson one recorded here on Youtube.Kindly comment if you have any queries, and like if you enjoy it. If you find the video useful, as always, you can share along with your peers.Success!
Week 2 day 1 resources can as well be viewed at this blog
1). Python Tutorial
2). https://users.astro.ufl.edu/~warner/prog/python.html