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DarthBoomerPlay edited this page Mar 28, 2020 · 1 revision


This utility allows you to work with a specific territory.
Version support: 1.8 - 1.15.1

public Location getPosition1() // get location 1
public Location getPosition2() // get location 2

public List<Block> getBlocks() // get ALL blocks of the selected territory

public Location getCenter() // get CENTER of the selected territory

public World getWorld() // get world

public Block[] corners() // get ALL corners of the selected territory

public RegionManager expand(RegionManagerDirection dir, int amount) // expand the selected territory
public RegionManager shift(RegionManagerDirection dir, int amount) // shift the selected territory
public RegionManager outset(RegionManagerDirection dir, int amount) // outset the selected territory
public RegionManager contract(RegionManagerDirection dir) // contract the selected territory

public boolean contains(int x, int y, int z) // does the selected area contain these coordinates?
public boolean contains(Block b) // Does the selected area contain these block?
public boolean contains(Location l) // Does the selected area contain these location?

public int getVolume() // get volume of the selected territory

public byte getAverageLightLevel() // get average light level of the selected territory

public RegionManager getFace(RegionManagerDirection dir) // get face

public Block getRelativeBlock(int x, int y, int z) // get relative block
public Block getRelativeBlock(World w, int x, int y, int z) // get relative block

public List<Chunk> getChunks() // get ALL chunks of the selected territory

public RegionManager clone() // clone of the terriroty

public String toString() // convert Region to String (Example: world,0,0,0=>1,9,0)

public List<Block> getEndLines() // get end lines

public Iterator<Block> iterator()

public int getSizeX()
public int getSizeY()
public int getSizeZ()

public int getLowerX()
public int getLowerY()
public int getLowerZ()

public int getUpperX()
public int getUpperY()
public int getUpperZ()

// Example to usage:
Location loc1 = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 0, 0, 0);
Location loc2 = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 1, 9, 0);
RegionManager region = new RegionManager(loc1, loc2);

region.expand(RegionManagerDirection.North, 10);
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