Releases: Darcy220606/AMPcombi
- Added the function to use the output from InterProScan if supplied with
to remove any AMPs classified as ribosomal proteins - Fix DRAMP download script to remove any non amino acid characters
- Added APD and UniRef100 databases to identify the AMP classes
- Removed DIAMOND alignment and replaced it by MMseqs2 search
- Fixed error 'Nonetype' when no AMP hits are retrieved by the set thresholds or no AMP hits aligned to the database chosen
- Created Read the Docs for AMPcombi documentation (Finally ;) )
Patch release to fix some minor bugs found that interferes with pipeline managers (ex. adding a check for the removal of './temp' dir)
-- Fixed the package versions in setup
-- Adjusted readme for installation setup
-- Fixed the `./temp` dir removal step at the end of the process
-- Changed the default matrix in diamond blastp to PAM250
AMPcombi v.0.2.0:
This update was done with extensive scientific advice from Dr. Rosa Herbst.
Changes made include:
- Change the output extension from
- Added a new feature to estimate the isoelectric point, mwt, structure fraction and hydrophobicity
- The DRAMP db
was filtered to retain only necessary columns - Added the tool AMPtransformer
- Added the tool AMPgram
- Fixed hmmsearch to now parse both single and multi models
- Fixed the dependencies in the environment.yml file
- Added a log file for each sample, besides the main log for the complete summary. Beneficial when used in pipelines like nf-core/funcscan
- Added the parameter '--sample_metadata' an optional flag to add a file with sample metadata
- Added the parameter '--contig_metadata' an optional flag to add a file with contig metadata
- Removed tooldictionary parameter '--tooldict' and added a parameter for each tool instead '--_file' to assign the extension of the files per tool
- Added the parameter
to filter the hmm results in the table based on E-value - Added the parameter
to retain hits with a specific length - Added the parameter
to filter out classification hits below specific diamond E-values - Renamed the parameter
- Added the parameter '--gbk' to add gbk files as input for parsing to include contig ids and other important values
- Added the parameter '--window_size_stop_codon' that adjusts the window size to look for stop codons
- Added the parameter '--remove_stop_codons' that removes hits with no stop codons found in the vicinity
- Added the parameter '--window_size_transporter' that adjusts the window size to look for 'transporter' proteins
- Added a new output directory per sample that holds the gbk files for the contigs with hits
- Added the submodule to cluster the AMP hits with the parameters to modify the clustering using MMSeqs2 for e.g., '--cluster_cov_mode' '--cluster_mode' '--cluster_coverage' '--cluster_seq_id' '--cluster_sensitivity' '--cluster_remove_singletons' '--cluster_retain_label' '--cluster_min_member'
- Added the submodule to predict signaling peptide using SignalP-6.0h
- Removed the HTML output for the complete summary and replaced it with shiny for python app that can be viewed using the commandline
- Updated AMPcombi to use subcommands for ease of use with standardized and portable piplines
Linked to Zenodo archive
-- Included the possibility of only submitting one .faa file instead of the faa-folder path (in case of summarizing only one single sample)
This release bumps version to 0.1.6 with these changes included:
-- Included the HTML output for the complete summary
-- add option --threads for diamond (make database and alignment)
-- included check if database was downloaded once to not download again
- adapt reading of hmmer_hmmsearch output to deal with varying header lines
- fix syntax in "if" statements in ""
- include "check_faa_path" function, to find .faa files also in subdirectories
AMPcombi v0.1.4
Notable changes:
Included a new optional argument
to concatenate the results from multiple samples in one table -
Added a universal log file, to append to an existing log file rather than creating multiple new ones every time a sample is run.
can be called multple times to include a list of files from individual samples in multple lists