Implemented new commands:
/f addpower (#40 )
/f powerboost
/f player
{PLAYER} - Name
{FACTION} - Faction
{RANKSYMBOL} - Symbol of faction rank
{POWER} - Amount of power
{TOTALPOWER} - Max amount of power
{TIMETOMAXPOWER} - Time to max on power in hours
{POWERPERHOUR} - Amount of power obtained within an hour
{POWERPERDEATH} - Amount of power obtained per death
{CREATIONDATE} - Date of first login (format: January 1, 1970 @ 12:00 AM PST)
{AGE} - Detailed duration string since first login
{SIMPLEAGE} - Simplified {AGE}
/f unclaim <auto|circle|square>
/f version
New Languages: Serbian, Simplified Chinese
Updated Languages: German, Traditional Chinese, Spanish
Added config option to enforce alphanumeric faction names (#65 )
Added the following tags for /f info
{CLAIMS} - # of claims
{CREATIONDATE} - Date of creation of faction (format: January 1, 1970 @ 12:00 AM PST)
{AGE} - Detailed duration string since faction creation
{SIMPLEAGE} - Simplified {AGE}
{RELATIONS} - Color coded list of factions in relationship with
Overclaiming now requires having outter claims to first be overclaimed
FactionEvent & FactionMemberEvent classes are now marked as abstract
Changed FactionRelationEvent constructor signature to accept two factions rather than an array of two factions
Fixed members with ban & kick permissions to ban or kick faction leaders
Fixed crash when using non-implemented language as the default language
Fixed exploit which allowed players to fly indefinately
Bumped minimum PMMP version to 3.13.0
Bumped version to 1.1.0
You can’t perform that action at this time.