Purpose of it, is when there is a need to provide ethereum address to mark me somewhere,
I can provide this contract address instead. It will be better solution,
because anybody can see my name and contact to me right away.
First make sure, you have latest nodejs to support await/async
//start is simple
npm init
truffle init
npm i openzeppelin-solidity
npm i -D babel-core babel-polyfill babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-0 babel-loader
//after developing the contracts...
truffle compile --all
//after developing the tests...
ganache-cli -b 3
truffle migrate --reset
truffle test
Usefull info
WARNING: at moment of writing, infura and HDwallet has some issue, that causes problem with deploying to mainnet!
But it working well with ropsten, so this are the speps:
Using MetaMask you need to know your address and private key (or mnemonic) and you need to have some ETH. You can grab some from: http://faucet.ropsten.be:3001/
Configuration for Infura you can find in truffle.js
npm install --save-dev truffle-wallet-provider
npm install --save-dev bluebird
# before run this, you need to setup ropsten network, Im using infura for this
truffle console --network ropsten
# now in console you can check if the address is correct
Promisify = require("bluebird")
a = _
b = _
(ropsten)> migrate
Contract address on ropsten network: 0x3ce526b35f075305b6fdd5d67c5e46018572a331
We can play on ropsten to see, if all looks good ;)
truffle console --network ropsten
(ropsten)> DZariusz.at('0x3ce526b35f075305b6fdd5d67c5e46018572a331')
dz = _
There were issues with infura, so I did not deploy to live using it. But it should be same scenario as for testnet.
Just remember to adjust ./migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js
and truffle.js
base on deploy-smart-contracts-on-ropsten-testnet-through-ethereum-remix
Connect MetaMask to remix network and go to Remix Solidity IDE.
Set valid setting on Settings and Run tabs... and you are ready to go!
Compile and deploy!
BTW - use onl version of MetaMask GUI - because on new one there are missing field for gas and gasPrice.
Deployed contract: 0x60bc69c356b975f39240d21deeeed4f7537ab68f
Same as for testnet... but more stressfull :-D
Just remember to adjust ./migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js
and truffle.js
and my first baby is alive! 0x2eaf4bbdc530f4cb4724eadfffa82abd0e61f6b4