Boilerplate for Chrome Extension React.js project.
- Simple React/Redux examples of Chrome Extension Window & Popup & Inject pages
- Hot reloading React/Redux (Using Webpack and React Transform)
- Write code with ES2015+ syntax (Using Babel)
- E2E tests of Window & Popup & Inject pages (Using Chrome Driver, Selenium Webdriver)
The example is edited from Redux TodoMVC example.
The todos
state will be saved to
The context menu is created by chrome/extension/background/contextMenus.js.
The background script will load content script, and content script will inject page script into context of currently opened page. A open TodoApp button will be injected top of page(*
) if you visit.
Content script can only manipulate DOM of current page. (It is running on different context of currently opened page)
If you want to interact with a javascript code running in currently opened page, you will have to inject page script into it from content script.
If you are receiving the error message
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE
, you need to allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost. You can do this by visiting the following URL:chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost
and enabling Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost.
# clone it
$ git clone
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
Two seprates command are provided for developing Chrome extension.
# build asset & html files to './dev'
# start webpack development server for background, window, popup script.
$ npm run dev-r
If you are developing Chrome extension that uses backgroun script, window, and popup, then running dev-r
will be enough.
# build content & page script and watch for their changes.
$ npm run dev-s
If you are developing Chrome extension that uses content and page script, you have to run dev-r
command first, then run dev-s
command from different terminal window.
- Load unpacked extensions with
This boilerplate uses
, and useRedux
. You can hot reload by editing related files of Popup & Window and background scripts. -
Content script & page script (injected by content script) cannot use hot reload, because many web sites use strict Content Security Policy (CSP) which allows loading resources from only specified domains. When Chrome Extension's content script & page script run on these web sites, loading from webpack-dev-server (http://localhost:3000) is not possible.
You can use redux-devtools-extension on development mode.
# build files to './build'
$ npm run build
# compress build folder to {}.zip and crx
$ npm run build
$ npm run compress -- [options]
If you want to build crx
file (auto update), please provide options, and add update.xml
file url in [manifest.json]( manifest.json).
- --app-id: your extension id (can be get it when you first release extension)
- --key: your private key path (default: './key.pem')
you can usenpm run compress-keygen
to generate private key./key.pem
- --codebase: your
file url
See autoupdate guide for more information.
: React components, Redux actions & reducers teststest/e2e
: E2E tests (use chromedriver, selenium-webdriver)
# lint
$ npm run lint
# test/app
$ npm test
$ npm test -- --watch # watch files
# test/e2e
$ npm run build
$ npm run test-e2e