Dokumen Official :
First, install the Mina zkApp CLI, if you haven’t already.
You'll need the following installed to use the zkApp CLI:
- NodeJS 16+ (or 14 using --experimental-wasm-threads)
- NPM 6+
- Git 2+
npm install -g zkapp-cli
To confirm it is installed, run:
zk --version
#Create New Project Now that you have the tooling installed, we can start building our application.
First, create a new project using:
zk project 01-hello-world
Let's change into this directory and list the contents to see what it created:
$ cd 01-hello-world
$ ls
LICENSE build jest.config.js package-lock.json tsconfig.json config.json keys package.json
babel.config.cjs jest-resolver.cjs node_modules src
#Preparing the project
First, delete the old files. Run:
rm src/Add.ts
rm src/Add.test.ts
rm src/interact.ts
And generate the new files for our project. Enter:
zk file src/Square
touch src/main.ts
cd /01-hello-world/src/
nano index.ts
Paste this script :
import { Square } from './Square.js';
export { Square };
to save it push 'ctrl' 'x' 'y' and 'enter' and then paste this code :
cd ..
To compile the TypeScript code into JavaScript, and run the JavaScript code, you'll type:
npm run build
node build/src/main.js
You can also combine these together into one line, such as:
npm run build && node build/src/main.js
This will run main if the build is successful.
#Write the zkApp Smart Contract
First, open src/Square.ts in your editor, then add the following at the top of the file:
cd src
nano Square.ts
and then paste this scripts :
import {
} from 'snarkyjs';
push button 'ctrl' 'x' 'y' and 'enter' to save it.