This wrapper will run bladebit_cuda and can take multiple path for destination. It will also delete plot if needed to replot a farm and ensure to maximise your farm size.
Ensure you have python & git. then run in terminal
git clone
cd bladebit_wrapper
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip install -r requierement.txt
We provide binaries build by ourself from bladebit. We have choosen this for one main reason, we are using a special branch cuda-windows-fix wich include plot support for 128Go/256Go in ram for Windows & Linux. Once it will be merged, we will get it from official chia repo.
feel free to build it by ourself if you want 😊
there is a config.yml
in config
folder. Please edit and replace with your information otherwise you will create a plot for me 😏. Please keep in mind that compression level 6 or + need gpu for farming. 5 is the maximum for cpu.
mode plot is the mode to only plot
mode replot will do the plot mode, but once the wrapper will not be able to plot, it will detroy a single plot with a lower compression and then replot it. (currently not implemented)
# mode can be:
# plot | will only plot until no more free space
# replot | will plot like plot, but if no space made, will remove plot file with lower compression level
mode: plot
farmer_key: b162c4b81fbf8d0aae876db016e28292509d69c2ce01227304d879222cb435092105b1f414f2d263a8c920ad44851096
contract_key: xch1tqlg956zauwf8tsljrafg5mwmnksrcgtzl9h6c9e9zrj27rrg0kqjm3gl3
compression_level: 5
- U:\
- V:\
- W:\
- X:\
- Y:\
- Z:\
plot_with_128GO_ram_only: false
tmp_plot_directory_for_128go_ram_support: Z:\
❗Do not edit chia.yml, this file contains plot size information needed for space calculation. ❗
in the same shell as above
coverage run -m unittest discover -s . -p 'test_*.py'
coverage report
coverage html
You will see log like
currently failling, only tested on my laptop with a poor amd gpu wich cannot handle it. I will replace it later
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