simple python script to harvest 2miners and push data to elasticsearch
This script harvest data from 2miners API (
It send the data to an elasticsearch and on my case grafana is used to retrieves visualisation
To get Credentials ask Mozquito at [email protected] or on discord.
To get etherscan api, please resgister at
You have ton configure the config.yaml file (default is sample/config.yaml). All field is currently mandatory.
wallet: "enter your eth wallet adresse"
elasticsearch_user: "enter the user given by mozquito"
elasticsearch_password: "enter the password given by mozquito"
elasticsearch_host: ""
elasticsearch_port: 9201
api_token_etherscan: "register at and put your token api here"
log_level: INFO
ca_path: "../ssl/autority_chain.pem"
# This part is to harvest correct information on your rig. This is an experimental way to collectd rig information
# I Do not have ay rig actually, i'm building my own, so i'm gonna improve this part
rig: This si the main struct of your rigs
- rig_name: "DESKTOP-TFG67DF" Set the name of your rig (should be the same as worker in 2miners)
cards: ["3060TI"] list of cards in rig. Set a list of cards inside of the rig ["3060TI", "3070"]
owners: dict of owner of the rig.
- name: "Mozquito" name of the owner. Set here the list of owner, if you are alone just set yourself or whatever.
ratio: 100 % of ownership. Set here The % of ownership of this uer
- rig_name: "Rig_chamber":
cards: ["3070", "3070", "3070", "3070"]
- name: "Mozquito"
ratio: 73
- name: "Baby Mozquito"
ratio: 23
You must run pip install -r requirements.txt
to install python library
This has been released and designed for windows at the begining, so if you're a windows user, use python_monitor.bat
If you're on linux, simply run python 2miner-monitoring/2miner-monitoring/
it appear that on hiveos, pip does not allow you to donwload python library.
so please add
trusted-host =
To pip.conf.
To create pip.conf, please use cd ~/.config; mkdir pip; cd pip; touch pip.conf
command and insert the block above